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We'd developed quite the habit of spending time together. Sometimes it was dinner at a restaurant, sometimes a cup of coffee in the morning before work, and sometimes it was just a night at your apartment, curled up watching Netflix. It felt so normal, so routine, and you were quickly becoming my favorite person to spend time with.

In just a few short months you had become my new confidant. We'd spent nights out with your friends, you'd come over to Niall and I's apartment as we cheered on Derby County in a football game, or soccer game as you liked to tell us. It was like second nature, you and me, and I didn't even think about anything other than the fact that I wanted things to be this way for years to come.

It was one of those simple nights, the nights we spent an hour searching for an movie to watch on Netflix only to end up re-watching some romantic comedy we'd seen a million times before, when you brought it up.

We were laying on your couch, me as the big spoon with you as the little one of course, your favorite blue fuzzy blanket surrounding us. Love Actually playing on the background. I should have known better than to be taken aback by your words. You were someone that was always speaking your mind, never afraid to be the one to break the silence or ask the tough questions.

"What are we Harry?" you turned to lay on your back, looking up at me with those emerald eyes that could take my breath away.

I didn't say anything for a moment. I guess I'd never really questioned what we were. Because in my mind you were my best friend, but also someone I cared deeply about. Of course the analytical part of my brain took over and I started to think about all the reasons why you could be asking this question.

Asking a question about the definition of a relationship usually meant one of two things. Of course, I jump to the big one. Maybe you didn't want to be in an exclusive relationship. Maybe you just liked hanging out with me or having someone to fulfill all know.

Maybe I wasn't the only guy in your life. A girl as beautiful as you likely had multiple guys pursuing you. I mean it only took one night for me to be completely enamored by you. Maybe you wanted to establish that we weren't by any means exclusive, or worse yet, maybe you wanted to be exclusive with someone else.

Perhaps I was about to be friend-zoned, although with the way things played out earlier that evening, I had a hard time believing you would give up that.

Or perhaps you just didn't enjoy hanging out with me, and wanted to end things before they got to serious. That had happened to me before- a girl running before that word "commitments" could be thrown around.

The second option could be that perhaps you wanted me to say we were exclusive. That's probably what any rational person would assume this question was for. But you know me, I like to overthink things. Maybe you like me, considered this something more serious. In my mind I didn't need to define this relationship. It already was one to me- the realest one that I'd ever had.

"Harry?" you ask again, pushing the single curl that always seemed to fall into my face back with your hand. I realized I had been spacing off, and that certainly wasn't sending the message I wanted to get across to you.

"What do you want us to be?" I asked, not wanting to make any assumptions. I felt like everything had been going so wonderfully. Although we'd only truly gotten to know each other over the past two months, I felt like I had known you my entire life. You got me. You understood me. And I thought that most of the time, I got you pretty well too.

"Gonna make me be the one to say it huh," you said with a laugh, reaching up to entwine your fingers with my own.

"Harry Styles, I'd like you to be my boyfriend."

I breathed a sigh of relief. You weren't leaving me for another guy. You weren't sending me into that awful universe of the friend-zone and you most definitely weren't keeping us as friends-with-benefits.

"Kinda thought I already was?" I said with a smirk that I knew drove you crazy.

"Oh you just assumed did you?" you said, bringing yourself closer to me so that are bodies are now pressed against one another. I brought up a hand to cup your chin, looking into your eyes and scanning every inch of your face.

"Olivia Scarlett Bennet," I said, drawing out my words so slowly I know that it is driving you crazy. That was one place in which we are complete opposites. I like to take my time to form sentences, so much time sometimes that you tell me you'd like to hear it this century. You on the other hand, can talk a mile a minute, so fast I can barely keep up.

"I really like spending time with you, I really like talking to you, and I would very much like to refer to you as my girlfriend. Is that okay with you?" I ask.

"Very," you say, bringing your lips to meet mine, wrapping your hands into the hair at the base of my neck.

My girlfriend. It definitely had a nice ring to it.

All the Love,


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