"Where is it though?" Annabel asked me. I snapped out of my brief thoughts and stepped off of the couch. She had a point, I didn't know where the car was. I picked up the note to see if he said but there was nothing.

"We can check the valet? Or the parking lot." I told her. She nodded eagerly and sat on the floor to put on her shoes.

I scurried to our room and quickly dressed into a sweater and sweatpants until I was dragged out half ready by a very eager Annabel.

Her little fingers intertwined with mine as we waltzed down the hallway to the elevators, bumping into a few guests who watched us act like five year olds skip down the halls.

"Mummy can we go somewhere?!" Ana asked me, clapping her hands together in joy as we walked through the lobby.

I was about to reply when a hand gripped my shoulder, making me turn completely.

"Merry Christmas, Ms. Fletcher." Cherry smiled. She was the receptionist at the hotel and also a girl who has seen me walk in and out of this hotel for about a year, sometimes very intoxicated. We don't speak about it.

I hugged her tight and she laughed while Ana tackled her legs at the same time. "And you too Annabel." Cherry smiled.

"I'm gonna guess you're looking for your gift from Mr. styles..." she smiles cheekily and motioned her arm out towards the valet center.

"Call him Harry, and Call me Mae.." I told her for the millionth time this year. She insisted on the formalities. "And yes, a million times yes. Where is she?"

"Ok I can't do this." She laughed. "I'm sorry.."

Annabel and I both looked at her confused. She covered her mouth as she snickered at the two of us and I finally caught on.

"He didn't get me a car, did he?" I sighed.

She shook her head no and grabbed my arm, leading us to the staff room. "No, I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes and cursed him a million times under my breath as I was pulled into the staff room looking like an idiot.

"Mama, where's the car?" Ana asked me. Her big green eyes turned wide when I told her we didn't get a car and again I cursed Harry.

"Here," Cherry smiled. She handed me a small gift bag and I hesitantly took it from her, reading aloud the letter inside.

'Mae and Ana

Sorry for tricking you, it was Noah's idea. I would love to see your face right now Maelynn. :)

While you have been down here, Noah and I snook up to your room with your real gifts, you're welcome.

Hugs and kisses,

Noah and Harry.'

"Ohhhhh." I said aloud. "That was good, I'll give him that." I shrugged and quickly explained to Ana what was happening.

We finally made it back up to the room and I opened it up, "Harry Styles that was not funny." I yelled, slamming the door after me.

Annabel walked over to the two snickering boys with her arms crossed. "Not funny, Harry. I was very excited."

I almost laughed at her attempt to be angry with Harry and so did he, but he apologized to her and sent her and Noah off with a bundle of wrapped gifts to open so it worked out well for him.

Little shit.

"Not funny." I told him. He smirked and spread his arms out on the couch while watching me walk over. Like Annabel, I crossed my arms and sat beside him.

Flashbacks from the crazy dream I had rolled through my brain and I immediately felt quite uncomfortable beside him. I scooted away and fixed my hair into a ponytail.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy what happened in my dream, or that I wouldn't enjoy if Harry pulled me into him right now and lead me into a long make out session. But I don't think he would appreciate that right now.

He shook his head. "It was pretty funny." He argued.

I shook my head and smiled to myself. I couldn't be annoyed with him, he meant no harm. But maybe that was the problem here, I needed to be annoyed with him.

And I needed to not be falling for him all over again.

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