Chapter 19

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It'd been a month since you'd gotten back from Belarus and you were still absolutely livid and two particular Avengers by the names of Antony Edward "Tony" Stark and Bruce David Banner. Tony decided to bring it to everyone's attention that Steve needed to be put under quarantine about two weeks after you'd gotten back. Your heat was just ending but for some reason you were more irritable than usual. "I'm sorry? Exactly why should he be quarantined?" You growled as you stood up and began to stomp towards Stark with a murderous look on your face only to be stopped by Natasha and Bucky. "(Y/N), it's just to see if he's got a clean bill of health is all. In fact..." Bruce spoke up nervously. He let the last sentence hang awkwardly in the air for a few moments before taking a deep breath and continuing on.

"We've actually already spoken to Steve about it." He said quietly. Everyone in that jet knew that a mid-heat Omega without their Alpha was a fight just waiting to happen and from the look that you were giving Tony at the current moment the rest of the team knew that it was only a matter of time until he was on the receiving end of an ass-kicking that he'd never forget. "And?" You growled not bothering to even turn around and look at Steve because you already knew that he'd said yes. You honestly felt extremely sorry for Bruce always being the one picked to be the bearer of bad news. He was honestly a sweet man and you absolutely hated Tony for making him be the one to tell you all this when he or Steve could've easily told you.

"I said yes," Steve said from right behind you and your patience snapped as you turned and leveled him with a glare that would've stripped paint from walls and had a lesser man quaking in his boots but Steve simply looked down at you with his classic logical stare and you knew that you were about to get a lecture so you simply turned on your heel, grabbed your rucksack and as soon as you felt the jet land, stomped down the ramp and back into the tower with the rest of the Avengers jogging to catch up as you cursed under your breath in Russian. You could hear Nat chuckling behind you and it was taking everything in you not to turn around and lash out at all of them because, this was in no way, shape, form, or fashion amusing to you. In fact, you felt betrayed, like he only did this because he didn't want to be bothered by you any longer.

You kicked open your bedroom door and slung your bag from the hallway onto your bed and didn't even slow down as you heard several people behind you gasp as you continued to make your way to the gym where you hoped you'd be able to drown out Steve's stupid, logical argument that already had you seething. As soon as you could though you took off jogging and left the rest of the team behind and as soon as you got to the gym you sighed in relief when you saw that it was full of people and that Steve wouldn't want to talk about this in front of an entire crowd of people, or so you thought. You'd just yanked your shirt over your head and kicked out of your boots and sat down to begin taping your hands when you saw out of your peripheral Steve storming into the room.

"EVERYONE OUT NOW!" He bellowed and immediately the room was completely empty. You'd just finished taping your right hand and started on your left as he walked over to you the emotions in his eyes flashing between one another so quickly that you couldn't get an accurate read on any of them. "Why are you acting like this?" He growled as he took hold of your hands to get you to stop and focus on him. "Why am I acting this way? Are you fucking kidding me right now, Rogers? You, Banner, and Stark all had a little get together without me, which explains why you were 'in the bathroom' so long during the flight might I add, and yet instead of you, my Alpha, being the one to tell me all this you and Stark yet again let Banner be the sacrificial lamb for someone's rage. And don't sit there and give me that 'I'm doing what's best' bullshit. If there was anything truly wrong then why the fuck did they let us mate back on the jet in Belarus, huh?" You yelled at him as you yanked your hands out of his.

This was complete and total bullshit and it appeared that only you were able to see it. You finished taping your left hand and stood up and walked over to the stereo and hooked your phone up to the Bluetooth speakers and began playing the loudest dubstep that you could find and then walked over to Steve's punching bag hanging up in the corner and began to take your fury out on it with punches and kicks. Steve followed but once you'd started beating the hell out of the punching back he kept a few feet back but yelled over the music, "Doll, I'm doing this to be extra sure. I mean, what if I don't do this and I end up losing my memory again while I'm near you? I could end up hurting you!" You didn't say anything as you kept going at the punching bag but tears were starting to blur your vision and you knew that soon you wouldn't be able to see the punching bag but you refused to break. You refused to cry.

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