Chapter 4

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"YOU'VE GOT TO BE ABSOLUTELY SHITTING ME RIGHT NOW!" A louder than hell voice yelled outside your bedroom. You groaned and rolled out of bed pulling on a big loose t-shirt and some shorts and opened your door only to find the Avengers standing in the hallway. Sam, Bucky, Natasha, and Wanda were all cracking up laughing, Bruce, Clint and Thor was trying to console a very indignant looking Tony while he simply looked at you in horror and it took you a minute to remember what was going on.

Looking down you saw what Tony was so upset about. There was a very large puddle of a white sticky substance on the floor and you tried hard to hide the fact that you was blushing. "AND WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THE DARK STUFF AROUND YOUR DOOR?!" Tony screamed as his eyes widened. You furrowed your brow not knowing exactly what he meant as you stepped over the puddle of cum in the hallway and backed up a bit to look at your door frame only to back into someone. A pair of arms immediately wrapped around you as you were engulfed in the scent of leather...rain... and musk. You moaned softly as you registered who was holding you and Steve's voice said from right behind you, "That's where I marked this as Mr. Rogers territory....bitch."

Tony looked torn between wanting to scream and wanting to punch Steve as you fought with your urges to press yourself harder into Steve but you were saved by Tony finally finding his voice and saying, "That can be dealt with later. I came down here to tell you assholes to suit up we've got a mission. That includes you, (Y/N)." Bruce and Natasha were immediately yelling at him as Steve pushed you behind him and actually growled. "Tony, you cannot actually be serious! You know what condition she's in!" Natasha yelled. "Tony, seriously, what the hell?!" Bruce yelled as he took a step forward looking extremely worried.

"You guys, it's fine! We knew that this would happen eventually. Bruce just keep extra vials in the quinjet just in case. Natasha, breath sister. Breath. Steve..." You said faltering when you got to Steve. He whirled around and looked down at you and you damn near hit your knees again as you took in what he was wearing. A black slim fit t-shirt clung to his very well defined muscles, a pair of denim jeans hung low on his hips and he wore a big black fluffy jacket with black combat boots. "Steve, just keep an eye on me while we're out there, ok?" You said softly looking up into his midnight blue eyes whose pupils were blown with lust and anger. He brought his hand up to caress your cheek and you leaned into his hand but the moment was interrupted as Tony yelled, "NOW PEOPLE! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!"

Everyone immediately sprang into actions bolting towards their rooms as you looked over at Wanda who was already grinning and nodded without you having to say a word and waved her hand and the cum on the floor vanished as she said, "That's the only time I'm cleaning ... that ... up for you." You grinned at her and said, "I owe you, big time." With that you ran into your room and ripped off your t-shirt and shorts and pulled on a black lycra suit that was very similar to Natasha's except that yours had silver seams instead of black on black.

You were pulling on your boots when you heard your door open and you said without looking up, "I'm just getting my boots on I'll be out in a minute." A low growl issued from the doorway and you looked up to see Steve standing there his arms by his side, fists clenched and once again shaking. "This is a whole other level of dangerously stupid even for Stark." He growled as he stalked towards you and you felt yourself starting to get warm and you put up a hand to stop him.

He was about six feet from you when he did stop and he asked quietly, "Do you need Banner?" Taking deep breaths you lowered your hand and nodded and he lifted his hand to his ear and said, "Banner, she needs a dose before we leave." Several minutes later Natasha and Bruce once again came running through my door. Natasha threw you an earpiece and said, "It's already programmed all you have to do is put it in." Bruce already had the syringe filled and walked up to you and said, "Unfortunately, since we can't have you sleeping until after all this is done, this is once again the regular strength dosage. It should last until we touch down since this is a long flight. If you need another before then just come find me on the quinjet." You nodded in understanding as he administered the shot through your suit to your hip and you once again hissed in pain only this time Steve's eyes flashed and he took a step towards you. "I'm fine, promise." You said as you pulled on your other boot and placed the comm in your ear.

"Alright well if that's everything then we need to get going Tony's already irritable." Bruce said as he sprinted for the door after placing the syringe in the sharps box that was in your bathroom. You took off right behind him with Steve right behind you and Natasha bringing up the rear. As soon as you boarded the quinjet, Tony threw a glare in your general direction and grumbled, "About damn time."

Steve who was already on edge about you going to begin with growled and began stomping towards Tony until you put a hand on his arm and the effect was instantaneous. Steve gasped and hit his knees and you staggered backwards and ended up falling, thankfully, into your seat as the rest of the Avengers plus Loki all looked on with worried expressions. "You two ok?" Clint said halfway out of his seat. You nodded completely winded but threw him a reassuring smile that everyone else saw as well and with that everyone went back to strapping themselves in and after several minutes Clint lifted the quinjet so smoothly that no one even felt it take off. "Alright, boys and girls. Today's field trip is going to take us to the remote snow-covered country of Belarus. Apparently, there's been several dozen people that have witnessed the old Red Room Academy being used for something once again." Tony said quietly and you immediately looked over at Natasha who's face was unreadable but you knew that underneath her emotionless mask her world was being turned upside down.

"We need to get in there figure out all that we can and then we need to make quick work of these bastards. Natasha, you know the layout of this place like the back of your hand, sweetheart, and as much as I hate asking this of you..." Tony faltered a bit at the end as Natasha looked up with her eyes blazing into his with a look of pure unadulterated hate plastered on her face. "This is how we're going to do this." She said her Russian accent coming through and you knew that she was having horrifying flashbacks.

"Clint, Bucky you're the snipers you're going to cover the northeast and southwest corners. I don't care which one of you covers which, work that out amongst yourselves. If you see anyone that looks suspicious shoot to kill." She said pointing to where she wanted them to be on a 3D map that Stark had pulled up for her. "Wanda, you're with me. I'll be looking for hard drives, computers, mainframes, anything so while I'm doing that you cover my six." Natasha said as she looked over at Wanda who's eyes were glowing a bright scarlet red.

"Sam, Thor, I want you two in the sky. If you see anything that looks odd or out of place call it out and we'll take care of it. If you see any air artillery then take it out. Don't wait for my signal just destroy it." She said as she looked up at the three men who stood meekly in front of the tiny red-headed assassin and simply nodded their heads. "Steve, (Y/N)..." Natasha sighed and turned to the both of you but before she could say much of anything you'd wrapped her in the tightest of hugs as tears slowly streamed down your face.

Slowly, she wrapped her arms around you realizing why you were crying and softly said, "It's alright, sister. It's alright. I'll be fine, I promise." You noticed as she said this her Russian accent faded somewhat and you pulled back and looked her in the eyes before finally smiling softly and returning to stand beside Steve who laced his fingers through yours and squeezed gently letting you know without saying a word that he was there for you.

"Sister, you, Loki and Steve are going to go in guns blazing. Cause as much chaos as you can for as long as you can. Think you can handle that?" She asked looking up at you. You smiled wickedly and checked your guns before cocking them causing even Loki to gasp in amazement as you growled, "Chaos is what I do best, sister." And before anyone else could say a word Clint yelled from up front, "INCOMING!" As everyone scattered for their seats you grinned and did the one thing that you knew was going to get you an ass chewing for the next week, you sprinted to the back of the quinjet slammed your fist down on the bright green button beside the ramp and waited until it lowered and then took three deep breaths...and jumped. 

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