Chapter 13

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As you looked around confusion set in almost instantly as you tried to figure out why you could only see in shades of gray and red. "GUYS!" You heard Natasha scream. Turning around to look at her and the rest of the team your confusion only grew and you started to panic slightly as you watched looks of pure unadulterated horror creep onto their faces and Bruce began to walk towards you slowly with his hands up as though he were trying to placate you.

You tilted your head to the side and began looking all around trying to figure out why everyone was looking and acting so damn strange. You turned in a circle and your eyes caught a glimpse of something red in the windows behind you and you stopped dead in your tracks as your mind began to comprehend what it was you were seeing. There in the windows you saw the reflection of yourself, only it was a twisted version of yourself. But what caught your eyes... were your eyes.

They were a dark crimson red and they looked absolutely evil, that is until you began sobbing and threw one of the downed HYDRA agents guns through the window and shattered it. "(Y/N)." Bruce said calmly as he kept slowly approaching from behind. You spun on your heels and he stopped where he was as you started backing away from him shaking your head as tears continued to stream down your face.

"(Y/N), it's going to be alright. Tony and I will figure out an antidote to the serum. We've got the files in the quinjet, remember?" Bruce said softly and you hit your knees as the pain of what Schmidt had said earlier slammed into you like a runaway train. "No, you don't." You said in a gravelly voice that made the entire team look at you. "You only have what they wanted you to find. That was only one of four other types of serums. What they administered to me? That was the fourth and most vicious of the serums. Unless you find the files soon, I'm afraid I may be stuck like this forever. And I'm not going to go back to Avenger's Tower like this and jeopardize the safety of every person that's unfortunate enough to come in contact with me."

Your heart was shattering in your chest. You could feel it and instead of it shattering all at once it was cracking slowly tiny bits and pieces falling away, torturing you further until you were sure the pain itself would suffocate you, but not before you had to rip yourself away from everyone you cared about and loved. Not until you broke your poor Alpha's heart who was currently standing beside his oldest friend with a look of fear etched on his handsome face that you would give anything not to see.

"(Y/N)... please." Natasha sobbed from the other side of Bucky as he wrapped an arm around her. You couldn't take it anymore, the pain, both yours and theirs, was too much to bear witness to anymore and with a sob, you wrenched yourself off the ground and back to your feet. "There's an old building in the middle of the woods that hasn't been used for centuries. I think it's about five miles maybe a little more southeast of where we stand. If you find the files and manage to create the antidote... that's where you can find me. Please, don't come looking for me unless you have the antidote." You said taking a final look at your friends and Alpha.

It was as though a spell had broke within Steve as you said these words and he began walking towards you with tears in his eyes. "(Y/N), please, baby. It will be alright. Please, come home with us... with me?" He said with so much sorrow that it caused a fresh wave of tears to stream down your face as you shook your head and smiled apologetically and said, "Like I said, Steve, I can't go back to the Tower and put everyone who works and lives there at risk. Hell, we don't even know if what they injected me with can be spread or not. What if I go on a rampage and end up ripping someone open and turn them into what I am? No, Alpha, I'm not coming home until I'm cured. I'm sorry but this is the first time that I'm disobeying a direct order from you. Take Schmidt to NATO and get justice for the past seventy years. I'll be checking the net so I'll know when it happens. I love you, my Alpha."

And with that, you turned and began running around the building that you'd just come out of leaving the sobs and screams of your teammates behind just as Steve tried to tear after you and Bucky let go of Natasha and grabbed him. You could still hear Steve screaming, "BUCKY LET ME FUCKING GO! I HAVE TO TALK SOME SENSE INTO HER! PLEASE, I LOVE HER!" You almost collapsed against the side of the building sobbing but you knew if you did that the team would be on top of you before you could even blink so you staggered on towards the building that you had spoken of as tears of pain, anguish, and rage-filled your blood red eyes.

Just as you ripped through the chain link fence at the back of the building you heard the quinjet take off and you wiggled through the fence and then took off sprinting knowing full well that they were trying to track you from above in the quinjet. You kept running using the trees as cover knowing that it would semi-hide your heat signature especially if there were other creatures in the forest besides you.

You ran for several hours until you finally came upon the old stone building that you had told them about. It was ancient, the stones that were used to build it were crumbling in places and the entire thing was covered in a fine layer of moss. You'd just managed to crawl through a window when you heard the quinjet pass low over the treetops and hover for a few moments before taking off again leaving you in the peace and quiet of the forest and to your own sorrowful thoughts.

It wasn't long afterwards that you crawled into a corner of the old building and wrapped your arms around yourself and cried yourself into a fitful sleep as you remembered the last look on your Alpha's face. The last words you'd heard him screaming bouncing around in your head and haunting your dreams. "PLEASE, I LOVE HER!"

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