Chapter 17

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Your heart broke and you sank to your knees as the battle began around you. Steve launched himself at Bucky and Tony who were standing directly behind you and you were shoved out of the way and into a small alcove by Natasha who knew that you'd gone into shock. You could see the battle raging around you as the Avengers took on one of their own, hear them grunting and calling out to one another, smell the blood and sweat on all of them but it was as if you were watching from far inside yourself.

Natasha crouched beside you with her gun drawn in case things went extremely south and tried to talk to you in several different languages including English, Russian, Romanian, and French and you heard her but nothing she said was registering at the moment. Everything that you heard was nothing more than a dull buzz in the back of your head as you watched your teammates fight the man that you loved, the man that didn't know you anymore. The man that wanted you and all of his old friends dead at his feet.

You could feel wetness on your face and you knew you were crying but it was barely registering in your shock numbed brain as you used the wall to help you stand up. Natasha looked at you warily and then yelled to Wanda as you began to slowly walk towards Steve who was now fighting Bucky, Tony, Thor, and Loki and looked as though he was just getting started. As Natasha's voice rang out in the hallway everyone froze... except you. You continued to slowly walk towards your feral love as his head snapped in the direction of first Natasha, then you.

You didn't have a plan at all. Like breathing, it was a subconscious thing that you knew you had to do to survive and you knew that your heart was screaming at you to go to him and that no matter what the hell happened everything would be alright in the end. You knew that if you could just get to him and speak his name that he'd come back. The sweet, loving, stubborn, sometimes shy Steve would come back and you could finish the fight against HYDRA and then you could all go home and you could tell him about your feelings for him.

As you inched closer Thor and Loki both stepped in front of you as Bucky and Tony grabbed Steve and you whimpered as he began thrashing in their grips. As soon as he heard that small pitiful sound escape your lips though he stopped, brows furrowed, looking up at you. "It will be alright. Just let me go to him." You said quietly to the Asgardian brothers who looked first at each other and then back at you as the stepped back out of the way.

"You realize that we're not going to let go of him don't you, (Y/N)?" Tony said from Steve's left. You didn't say anything you simply nodded keeping your eyes on Steve's as you closed the distance between the two of you slowly and you could see that Steve was breaking through whatever HYDRA had done to him the closer you and your scent got to him and he squirmed, not in a manner which said, "I'm trying to get away from you to hurt you some more," but more in a manner of, "I don't know what that smell is but it makes me feel things."

You took one, two, three more steps and you were standing directly in front of him. He stood stock still looking down at you with wide fear filled eyes and you could tell that he'd been tortured hard and long for the few hours that the team had been gone. If your math was right, and it very rarely was ever wrong, then you guessed that you'd been away for a little over a day and a half now and that was more than enough time to do all sort of horrible things to someone's brain especially if you had the type of technology that HYDRA had and was capable of making.

Slowly, you raised your hand up and placed it first on Steve's chest directly over his heart and his eyes dropped to look at your hand gently resting against his chest as it rose and fell rapidly with his labored breaths. When you knew that he was getting used to your hand on his chest you did something that scared the hell out of your teammates and, if you were being honest, yourself as well but you knew that in order to get Steve back you had to at least try or you'd never forgive yourself for as long as you lived.

With your hand still resting over his heart you leaned up and gently kissed him on the lips as gasps echoed around the quiet hallway and several Avengers took a step or two towards the two of you and you could almost hear their thoughts as if they were shouting them at you, but you didn't care. You weren't going to stop for them or HYDRA or anyone else. You were going to get your Alpha back and you were going to do whatever it took to get him back, consequences be damned.

You felt him tense up a bit and heard him inhale sharply and you stroked your thumb across his pec as you continued to kiss him very softly. You'd almost given up, you could feel the tears forming in the corners of your eyes when something so amazing, so wonderful, so truly breathtaking happened that you did start crying but for an entirely different reason. As you went to pull away, as you were just about to give up you once again uttered a soft whimper.

That tiny sound falling from your lips was all it took to break through whatever programming they'd done on Steve because he immediately relaxed and wrapped his arms around you and broke the kiss just long enough to say, "Don't cry, babydoll. Alpha's back and I'm not going anywhere ever again." Your eyes snapped to his and you watched as the darkness that had been there disappeared and Steve Rogers came charging back as tears streamed down your cheeks and a smile split your face.

A very loud sniffle from behind you caused everyone to jump and turning around you found Natasha with her head on Wanda's shoulder the both of them sobbing. You went to open your mouth and say that everything would be alright but then your heat made itself known again and you dropped to your knees clutching your stomach and screaming in agony. One whiff was all it took for Steve to go into instant primal mode as he crouched down and picked you up bridal style and looked at Bucky who simply nodded and took off running with Steve carrying you in his arms following closely behind for the quinjet. 

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