Chapter 2

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"Alright, sweetie. I'm going to give you the highest dosage that I can and then I'm going to monitor you all night to see how your body reacts ok?" Bruce said after he'd gotten you out of the sweater and jeans and into a hospital gown. When you'd first walked in he'd looked at you as though you'd lost your ever-loving mind and you giggled and pointed to Nat who had immediately gone on the defensive.

"Hey, I'm just trying to protect her from the big bad Alpha man that's stalking the corridors out there ok?" She said as she pulled the curtain and helped you undress and get into the hospital gown. Bruce laughed after she'd said this and said, "Ya know I can't actually blame you on that. I've never seen him act so aggressive." The room was tense as you climbed into the hospital bed which was actually quite comfortable and Bruce walked over and began hooking electrodes up to you.

He actually had Nat help when he needed to hook some up to your chest because he was so shy and didn't want to offend you so Nat took the electrodes and the sticky pads that they were hooked to and placed them on you as you and she both dissolved into a fit of hysterical giggles over the way Bruce was blushing as he turned his back waiting on Nat to get finished. "Bruce, it's fine. You're not going to offend me." You said as she finally finished with the last electrode and you fixed the gown back to where you were decent once again. "I..well...I mean...if you say so, (Y/N)." Bruce spluttered causing you and Nat to start giggling again.

"Awww Bruce it's ok, honey." You said and gave him a reassuring pat on the back of his hand as he turned and grabbed the syringe that was full to bursting with the same medicine that he'd given you and that you'd burnt through in a matter of minutes back in your room when Captain Alpha was standing there in all his tall handsome glory.

Just as he gave you the shot in the opposite hip that he first gave you the shot in a wickedly dirty thought of Steve on top of you pounding into you hard as he leaned down and whispered, "My Omega," went through your mind and a hot gush of slick flowed from between your legs and you moaned softly. "You ok?" Both Nat and Bruce asked at the same time and you nodded and then looked down and groaned. "Sorry about the sheets, Bruce." You mumbled blushing from head to toe as he administered the shot and smiled warmly at you.

"Sweetie, it's fine. I understand that this is just what Omega's go through. It's nothing to be ashamed of." He said as he got up and took the now empty syringe into the sharps biohazard box and put it in there and threw the trash from the alcohol pad away as well. A sudden beeping from where Nat sat on the side of your bed and from where Bruce stood made you jerk your head up as Nat swore in Russian under her breath and Bruce turned a little pale as he dialed a number on his phone and then put it up to his ear.

"Tony, you can't be don't understand...she burnt through the dosage I gave her remember? ...Yes, I've got her under you really think that's wise, Tony? ...Fine as long as you keep her under observation in her room...what do you mean...Tony...TONY DON'T YOU DARE!!! He just hung up on me!" Bruce shrieked indignantly causing you to start gigglesnorting. "Well, change of plans it seems." Bruce said as he turned and faced you and Nat.

"Going back upstairs?" You asked a small smile forming on your lips. "Yes, because apparently Tony 'I've got this don't worry about it' Stark didn't have it and we did need to worry and he's waited until the last minute when things are dire yet again to call for backup. Why is it always like this? Why can't he just accept help when it's offered instead of one of us always getting to tell him that we all told him so. I mean it's not that I don't immensely enjoy telling that great prick that I told him so it's just getting to do it so often is starting to take all the fun out of it." Bruce grumbled as he turned his back and Nat helped you as best she could to get undressed and redressed for the third time that day only this time she had tears of laughter streaming down her face.

" have to stop!" She gasped as she finally pulled the curtain back to reveal a fully dressed you. "Look, all I'm saying is he should be smart enough to know by now that we're all eventually going to start asking who's turn it is to tell him 'I bloody told you so, you pompous prick' but will he ever figure that out? No! Hell, he could come up with the cure for every disease known to mankind tomorrow and retire next week as the richest man of all time and he STILL wouldn't be smart enough to figure out that if we offer him help he should probably take it because ya know we've got this thing called foresight. Totally NOT a superpower it's just we tend to look at the big picture and see that may or may not need help. All that swirly haired ninny muffin does is think 'OOOO another chance for me to blow shit up!' And then the rest of us....oh hey, Tony." Bruce said as Tony walked into the lab.

"Uh yea, what was that last bit? Sorry, didn't quite catch that." Tony said as he glared daggers at Bruce as you and Nat instantly bolted for the elevator. "Hey, wait!" Bruce called. "She can stay in the lab now!" Tony yelled but the elevator doors had closed and you and Nat took one look at each other and burst out laughing falling against one another. "Swirly...haired..." You wheezed unable to finished the sentence. "NINNY MUFFIN!" She gigglesnorted as she leaned against the wall of the elevator with tears pouring down her face.

You managed to calm down just enough that when the elevator doors opened it didn't look like you were having a heart attack only to be greeted by the swirly haired ninny muffin himself and that was all it took for you and Nat both to fall out of the elevator laughing yourselves to tears pointing at Tony screaming, "SWIRLY HAIRED NINNY MUFFIN!" Tony looked completely confused and Bruce blushed from head to toe as Sam, Wanda, Peter, Clint, Loki, Thor and the others all burst into laughter with you. You was in the middle of trying to get up when a very familiar scent washed over you causing you to groan and bolt for your room.

"What was her time clocked at? Anyone catch it? Point Break?" Tony called as you slammed the door as the heat began to make itself known once more. It wasn't as bad as it had been this morning but you knew that in a few hours you'd be panting and writhing in agony almost willing to beg an Alpha to knot you just to get some relief. You managed to climb up on your bed as sleep finally overtook you.

True enough several hours later you awoke in a slick soaked bed feeling like you were in the middle of a raging inferno as you kicked the covers off. A cramp through your abdomen had you biting your bottom lip and whimpering as you slid your pants off and your hand immediately found its way between your legs as you started rubbing your already slick drenched pussy. You were writhing and moaning in agony trying to give yourself any type of relief and was just about to give up when you heard it. A low growl from right outside your room and even though you'd never actually heard him growl you knew without having to be told exactly who was standing outside your room. It was Steve. 

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