The First Science Lesson part 2

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"Is that so?" Mr Lindsay asks with a sly look in his eyes. He shifts in his chair so his body is closer and facing you. You feel like the air just thickened and you find it hard to swallow.

He puts his hand on the back of your chair so the only way to get up is physically pushing him out the way and you are not going to risk getting sent to the front office for pushing a teacher.

Your face turns a bright shade of pink, and your stomach drops. You are digging your nails into your palm, biting your cheeks and trying hard not to hyperventilate

"W-what! N-no why would I be? Heh." You quickly throw out your mouth, you are trying not to fall off your seat whilst sweating up a storm.

"If your not scared of me why are you hanging off the side of your chair?" He questions with a slight smirk growing on his face and leaning closer to you with every word.

"C-cause I don't like being near p-people." You stutter leaning away from him, you see in his eyes that he knows your lying, your legs are shaking and you want to leave as soon as you can.

"Why are you lying to me Jane?" He asks with his eyes staring through your skull, as you were about to answer him Jo throws a chair across the room.

"Jo! You are not going to recess! Now sit down!" Mr Lindsay quickly jolts up and yells, his Scottish accent now extremely broad and loud.

Mr Lindsay darts his eyes over to your face then walks over to fix the chair that was thrown. You relax a bit and wait until the bell goes, once it goes you rush out the door and sit in the library reading for all of recess.

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