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As you enter your photography class the teacher hands you some sheets and tells you to go out and take photos. You deside to go out by yourself so you can get it done quicker.

You first head towards front of the school to take photos of flowers and trees, you then head behind some old buildings to take some framing photos with the fence, as you were about to take a photo you hear a gargled cry and the body to match it, it is Jo's mutilated body crawling towards you.

"Ple-ase hel-p me." Jo spits out his blood covered mouth, both his legs are gone and he only has one arm, you slowly back away from him and you are about to scream until a clothed hand is firmly pressed against your mouth and nose, you start to fall and everything fades.

You sit up from a bed, take off a sleep mask and slowly open yours eyes to find yourself in a dark room, you stand up and turn the lights on, the lights dimly fill the room. You look up to find the room covered with blood on the floor and walls, you start to hyperventilate and scream for help but you feel a sharp jolt in the bottom of your right leg work it's way up your body, your whole body jolts up and you shriek out in pain.

After a few minutes you finally rest on the floor from the pain, as you try to calm yourself down you hear cackling outside the door. The door opens and a beam of light makes it way in, you see a figure at the door staring down at you.

"Ah, I love the sounds of your scream!" A familiar voice sings, you quickly shoot your head up, your eyes adjust to the light only to meet them with Mr Lindsay's. He has a red apron on around his waist, he is holding and bloody knife in his right hand and his arms are covered in blood.

You look at him with sheer fear and you start backing away from him. "P-please let m-me go." You sob out, he smirks and walks towards you spinning the knife around in his hand.

"What's wrong? You scared?" Mr Lindsay teases in a sing-song voice. Whilst backing away you get trapped in the corner of the room. "Please." You quietly whimper, your voice is raspy from screaming and crying. You try to push yourself up but he shoves you down forcefully with his free hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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