The First Science Lesson

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Home Group goes by pretty quick and for art all you did was scribble on a worksheet. Now science, your stomach dropped and you start to feel ill again, you see Nikki wave at you, you lift your hand and smile at her.

"You all good?" She asks whilst you both make your way to class, you are slightly shivering cause of nerves and your worried that He will bring up what happened this morning but you give them a small nod so they don't question you.
You wait for some of your classmates to walk in first then you quickly sit on the back table by yourself.

"Now everyone, remember the seating plan I made last week!" Mr Lindsay announces. Your peer Nathaniel tells you that you sit next to the teacher as you weren't here to pick a table.

"W-what? Can't I just sit next to you?" You question sadly, your back is to the front so only Nathaniel can see your face and he sees the sadness in your eyes then calls out to Mr Lindsay.

"Mr Lindsay! Jane won't leave me alone!!" He jokingly shouts gaining the attention of the whole class, you shoot Nathaniel with a death glare, tears welling up. You feel a pair of eyes burning through you.

"Miss...Wellington!" Mr Lindsay called out, you turn around slowly on your heels to find out that he is standing in front of you. You let out a sharp gasp and you feel like you are going to faint.
He smirks a bit when he sees the fear in your eyes.

"You sit next to me, ok? Mr Lindsay tells you his voice sharp, you both walk over to the desk and sit down.

"Its good to see the face to the name. Why haven't you been here?" He asks breaking the silence, his voice still cold.

"Y-yea. I was on vacation." You reply quietly, your sitting on the left edge of your chair so you aren't as close to him.

"I don't bite, if that's what your worried about." He jokes moving closer and chomping his teeth together , he waits for you to talkback but you don't say a word, he sighs and walks off to help one of the girls.

You let out a deep sigh of relief, you hate being so close to people and with you not trusting him it's even worse. You start to research about one of the moons of Jupiter, as you are typing two hands tightly grip your shoulders, you freeze sharply inhaling.

"Hey Jane! What ya doing?" A booming voice yells above you, thank lord it's only Shane. You relax a bit and exhale.

"I'm doing my work, what is up?" You reply going back to typing.

"Just seeing what ya up too, what do ya think about Mr?" Shane asked, of course he would ask a question like that.

"I don't trust him, he kind of scares m-" You are cut off by Mr Lindsay shooing Shane away from the desk, you squeak a bit and shift to the left edge of your seat.

"What were you two talking about?" Mr Lindsay asks staring you in the eyes.

"I just asked them how they are liking you as a teacher so far, Jane said she's are scared of you! Can you believe that!?" Shane laughs, You look over to Mr Lindsay and he gives you a little smirk.

"Is that so?" He questions with a very sly gaze.

A Killer TeacherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ