Special Chapter #1: Momo's Birthday

Start from the beginning

"You two scared the c*** out of me... Well, whatever! I haven't had a birthday party in a few years!!" I yelled and we all headed to the food.

After the food, we decided to cut the cake for desert. Ayumi and Kura brought out that cake and it was a marble chocolate and vanilla cake.

"Anata ni otanjōbiomedetō!*

Anata ni otanjōbiomedetō!

Happībāsudē, shin'ai momo!*

Anata ni otanjōbiomedetō!" They all sang after lighting the candles. My eyes widened.

"Since when have you guys been able to sing that? Kura? Ayumi?" I starred at them.

"We Google Translated it, and then practiced it. And we also told the rest of the guys to sing in Japanese." Kura said, probably since Ayumi is blushing and would most likely stutter if she talked.

"Whatever.. I just want some cake!!" So we all dig in to the cake, moaning at the feeling and taste of the cake in our mouths.

Around an hour later, we decided to do the presents. The order it went in was this: Kisame, Itachi, Tobi, Zetsu, Hidan, Kakuzu, Pein, Konan, Nagato, Sasori, Deidara, Kura, and then Ayumi.

Kisame got me a charm bracelet with a shark on it and a T-Shirt that says: 'Got Fins?' With a shark that is holding money on it. I laughed for a few minutes before getting over the shirt.

Itachi got me a charm of a Raven and a necklace with a gold pendant on the end of it. And was it beautiful.

Tobi got me a lollipop charm and a hand drawn drawing of the entire group. It was cute how it was all scribbles.

Zetsu got me a tree charm and a Venus fly trap... I don't know what I'm going to do with it....

Hidan got me a sythe pendant and a necklace of Jashin that was red and black, with my name on the back of it. I love the necklace, but that dude is obsessed with Jashin.

Kakuzu got me a money charm and gave me $50. I smiled internally and externally. 'He gave up money for Pete's sake!!'

Pein got me a charm saying 'Born to Be A Leader' and clip on piercing. I can finally have some nose, face, and more ear piercings without Ayumi yelling at me.

Konan got me a tulip charm, and a paper flower that she said with never break even if you put it in water.

Nagato got me a Attack on Titan charm and Mortal Combat video game for the Xbox.

Sasori got me a puppet charm and a set for making puppets. It's cooler than you would think at first.

Deidara got me 2 charms. One that is a mushroom explosion, and a red heart that says 'I <3 You'. I smiled and winked at Deidara which made him blush.

Kura didn't give me a charm, but something that I will cherish for eternity. A hand made drawing of Deidara in his cloak and Bankotsu from InuYasha. I smiled and lifted it up to see it with light shining through the back when something fell out of it. It was a picture of all of us, the Akatsuki and us three, smiling like idiots. I smiled and looked at Kira with a thankful look in my eyes. She responded with just a smile and nod.

Ayumi didn't give me a charm either. She had given me a large cut if of the cloud on the Akatsuki cloaks, and inside were chibi* drawings of all of us. There was also a paper taped inside and folded up. I looked at Ayumi and she nodded her head.

"Go ahead and read it. It was fun to make, by the way."

One of my eyebrows arose from the statement, but I continued to open the paper up. Inside were... Lyrics for a 'Do You Want To Build A Snowman?' parody... Sasori and Deidara style. I started reading all the lines, imitating Deidara and Sasori as best as I could.

After reading it all the way through aloud, I clutched me stomach and bursted out laughing. I was soon joined be everyone besides Pein, Itachi, Kisame, Kakuzu, Zetsu, and Nagato. Pein, Itachi, and Kisame were chuckling while Nagato just broke out a smile.

I stopped laughing for a moment to look at the 'princesses of the song. They we waking away from each other with a blush and pout on their faces.

When everyone's laughter died down, I spoke "Thanks guys for today. It was awesome!!" We all smiled.

"Everyone! Get your swimming trunks and bathing suites on, and let's go to the pool!" Ayumi yelled and we all did so. We spent the rest of the day just swimming and messing around.



Sorry about  the lack of update. recently, so I'm just going to put most of the blame on Momo and say that she hasn't been editing the chapters. (I'm have two more chapters that are ready to be edited. ;_;)That's because she has been busy spending time with her family,and recently getting ready for her birthday which was on Saturday the 26. This was just an extra chapter for her,and it's put into the future when they are all friendly and stuff. (Since you could tell since Sasori was singing and laughing.)BUT,this has a clue to one of the next chapters to be posted. Hint:It's a gift that was given to Momo.)That's all, recruits!


Anata ni otanjōbiomedetō!* means 'Happy Birthday to you!'

Happībāsudē, shin'ai momo!* means 'Happy Birthday dear, Momo!'

Chibi means a smaller version of something or someone

Kura's IRL Gift- A hand drawn picture of Deidara and Bankotsu from InuYasha and a Deidara patch that was bought in Los Angels in Japan Town. All three were taped inside a piece of paper that had a hand drawn Akatsuki cloud and 'Happy Birthday Mo----' but with her real name instead of that dashes.

Bankoutsu- http://www.exelements.net/kayura232/inuyasha/Bankotsu.jpg Deidara-

Sewn Patch- http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51scyj55IsL._SY355_.jpg

Ayu's IRL Gift-Hand drawn chibi faces of Sasori, Deidara, and Itachi inside a cut out of am Akatsuki cloud. Along with lyrics for a 'Do You Want to Build a Snowman' parody Deidara and Sasori style.

Itachi/Sasori/Deidara chibi- http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/310/4/0/sasori_and_deidara_chibi_by_akatsuki_no_minako-d32bfu7.png

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