"Aww, I love foxes so much. They're so cute," she gushed. 

"Anyways," Jin interrupted, "we aren't here to discuss what animals we are. We came here to watch something. Our dear maknae over here recently released her music video and has refused to let any of us watch it."

She put her head in her hands, slightly embarrassed. "Please don't watch it."

"No can do, young one. We want to see what our little dongsaeng has been up to. Plus, staff's orders," Jin teased.

"Don't lie, you don't do a lot of things the staff tells you to do. You should have no problem disobeying this time," she narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, well, new year new me, am I right?" She rolled her eyes.

"Well, you've been warned," she threatened. They just thought it was adorable.

Since the maknae line was on the ground in front and the hyung line was on the couch in the back, Jungkook was able to grab the remote and play her long-awaited video. 

The scene opened up to darkness. She was in the far corner of a dark, empty room, writing words on the walls that couldn't be made out. A second later, the entire room was covered in more of her scribblings, and she was moved to the center of the room. The video so far had a more creepy and dark feeling. 

Suddenly, the scene changed to one of her sitting on a bench in the forest, light streaming around her. She was wearing a white dress, the exact one she had been wearing just seconds before. She started singing to herself, almost angelically, eyes closed, as if waiting. A man walked across the scene and hid himself behind a tree before she could notice him. Lost in the music, he found himself walking towards her and grabbing her hand lightly to pull her up and dance with him. Their smiles were gleeful, and they danced and sang through the trees.

Then the song grew harsher, the lyrics spiraling darker as the night started setting in. Their dance turned into more of a fight, each struggling for dominance, the man clearly winning. At the height of the action, there was silence; her skin began to look discolored and pale in the moonlight. He grinned widely and vanished, leaving her to fend for herself in the darkness. She began singing again, this time much lighter, but with more despair in her voice. Her dance was graceful, but broken. 

But then the sun rose again, and as she walked along a mossy path, her face looked happier. Her song changed, too. The lyrics were reminiscent, but not angry or hurt. The camera focused on her face, and she grinned before also vanishing.

There was a brief flash of an empty room, the very one she had started out in, now completely devoid of anything but a streak of light on the wall. The video ended.

Speechless, the boys only looked at her and back at the now frozen TV. She hadn't moved from her place with her head in her hands. 

"That was so good!" Hobi broke the silence with a bright smile. "Your dancing was so beautiful, and the contrast between the light and the dark was amazing! I'm so proud of you, baby!"

She looked up at him and smiled through the growing blush on her face. Seeing a chance to make her even redder, the others grasped at it. 

"You were so pretty, Nana! And your duet was crazy. I remember visiting you on set and seeing that guy and wondering, 'what are they going to do'? It came out so good, though," Jin added. 

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