Thank You

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Among the myriad of things I'm not good at, thank yous and taking compliments are among them. I can't adequately express what you mean to me and the story. Hacking the Sun's success is contingent on its readers as much as its writing, and I deeply appreciate anyone who took time out of their life to recognize this writer's prose. I mean, there are a bunch of stories out there, across so many mediums, it's ridiculous. Hence, I try very hard to tell a compelling narrative. Most of the time, I'm not even sure if I pulled it off.  Still, I keep calm and carry on.

What's Next?

As of 2019, I'm deep into a sequel that aims to improve upon and expand every element of the first story. What does that mean? It goes like this:

· The complex aftermath of Goliath's fall

· More riveting plot points

· Unraveling a few more secrets from Jessica's past

· More action, information, and full-blown nerd rage

· More colorful characters (they were already teased)

· What exactly is Babel?

· Villains that make Malvis look like Elmo

· A more concentrated infusion of Cyberpunk

· The marriage between the old world and cyberware implants

· Virtual Reality and Netrunners

· A deeper look at the cities outside of Azarean control

· More 80s references

· The biggest addition is a secret.

In my head, the final product would probably be a marriage between superhero and science fiction. There's a ton of preparation time if it's going to be any good, let alone the time it takes to write. I really hope to reveal more soon. I've already pinned down the title, but I'm waiting for the right time to make an announcement. I want to be close to finishing

Also, I'll still be doing edits on this story, as I have been.  By this point, many of you have already provided your thoughts on the work, but now I'm interested in hindsight. What are your thoughts on certain segments? Do you feel any parts were completely unnecessary? Which parts left you most confused? I'll be reviewing the story as I go. 

Thanks for reading.

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