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"Breaking: Goliath, the transnational supercorporation, was the victim of a large-scale terrorist attack..."

"...Less than a week after Pine Rim and Poppy, people are now questioning the state of security in New Sumer."

"...the same question surfacing across international spheres. Is Eden no longer safe?"

"...An act of internal espionage or crime against the state? Stay tuned as we break down the evidence on TNN."

"...More and more nefarious claims have spread like wildfire across the internet, reportedly backed by new evidence, with more allegations leveled against the company every day."

"...What you have to understand is that these quote-unquote 'leaks' thread back into the corporate IO. That's damning!"

"...Goliath CEO Ro'min Tan has declined to comment on yet another string of leaks whose truth could condemn the private juggernaut."

"...It's bullshit! There's evidence on those Azarean big-wigs, but the mainstream media keep making them out to be the victims! They're demons, I tell you! Make fun of me all you want, but it's true!"

"...Nearly a week after the breach, thousands of citizens from new and old-world Capitals have assembled on the streets to demand answers from state officials..."

"...After independent investigations confirmed the existence of a rumored Spearhead black site, several new governments have condemned Goliath and all known associates...."

"...Some say the regime was aware of the private sector's conspiracies, further adding fuel to the fires of distrust between both species."

"...Several Azarean councilmen have severed ties to their kin in the private sector and are now pushing for peace in regions of dispute."

"...This will be a new age led by transparency between humanity and the regime. No more secrets!"

"...The recording has been reconstructed by tech experts and will be played shortly. This is a KBS exclusive..."

"... Our world's leaders and their puppets have had over one-hundred years to mold a planet of lies, and it starts with Pine Rim. Me, though, I don't care enough to lie... 

"This is Lynx. Share, comment, subscribe."

"...The Wisdom of Nations has publicly condemned Goliath after a whirlwind of evidence linked the company to dozens of domestic terrorism cases."

"We are standing outside the Grand Monolith, where, minutes from now, the Prime Ambassador will address the recent groundbreaking revelations regarding Goliath's international crimes..."

"Humans of Earth! We lament the actions of our brethren and hope due justice shall begin a long but worthy process of mending and reunification."


A single breath filled the rustic ambiance of the cabin, a haven housing natural light in a homely space within wooden walls. It included a kitchen: sink, dishwasher; to the left, a refrigerator hugging the wall, then a stove and a series of hardwood cabinets. Just a little bit of legroom separated the utilities from the granite countertop, which, aside from its coffeemaker, held nothing remarkable.

Beyond the kitchen and the countertop, in the living room, a sofa rested adjacent to a hallway that touched both ends of the interior. The far-left corner of the room had a Starfleet uniform, which Dexter examined from his snug position on the cushions until he rotated and peered over his shoulder, face smacked with wonder. "I missed a lot," he said.

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