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Hi Taehyung has me fucking soft I love him


The only thing that accompanied the subjects was a quiet air of dread. How had they ended up in this situation? How had it all gone so wrong?

It had been perfect. A mere 48 hours ago, Taehyung had been happy. With Seomin, his noona, and his brothers. In another place, sure, but it was calm. Peaceful. Normal.

And now, he was back in this place he'd hoped to never return to, firm metal clamped around his wrists, unable to even touch the wall that parted him from her. She couldn't hear him, he was certain, but he could hear her. The soft, short breaths, that told him she was crying. His body ached with the need to hold her.

Seomin was trying her best to keep down the overwhelming emotions. She really was. But it was hard. She'd sat against the wall that separated her from Taehyung, that being the closest she could get, but it was no good. She wished she could feel his comforting touch, his arms around her, his affectionate kisses that made it so obvious he was always happy to be around her. That sweet, simple need. Quiet happiness.

It was hard to hold onto hope. Plenty to hope for, but not a lot to encourage it. Who was there to save them, now? The others had come, last time, but this time everyone was here. There was no one to rest their wishes on.

Pressing her fingers against the glass yet again, she imagined what it would be like if this large, reflective wall just miraculously fell away. Foolish.

"Noona... I'm scared." Taehyung's voice was quiet, tremulous, muffled by the wall between them. Seomin exhaled, wiping the tears from under her eyes with her fingertips.

"Me too, baby." It was hard. It was hard to hear his voice, speak to him, and not be able to see him. She'd heard the struggling, the cries of pain. Some from him, some from those that chained him down. She didn't want to imagine what condition he was in.

"If they were going to kill me, why put me in here?" Suddenly, he was growling, "This is so- I'm so sick of this!" Seomin remained quiet as he raged, yanking again on his bindings, metal clinking, "Why can't they just leave us all alone?!" He deflated, hanging limp, pulling his knees to his chest. His arms ached from being held up against the wall for so long, hands cold from the blood flow restriction. "I'm... so sorry, Noona, you- you wouldn't have gotten dragged into this if it wasn't for me-" he cut off with a swallow, throat thick, "And now..."

"Taehyung. Stop." He cut off, looking down at his lap, while Seomin bit her lip. She'd never wished to be able to touch someone more than she did right then. "Even- even if this is it... I'm still glad. Still grateful. My life was nothing before you came along. Don't take that away from me."

"Noona..." the dam on Taehyung's tears broke, voice cracking audibly. "I wish I could touch you..."

A strangled sigh left Seomin's throat, and she leaned against the wall, gritting her teeth as the hot salt water tracked down her cheeks.

Jungkook sat up in his cell at the echoing screams. He knew that voice, it was his noona, from somewhere not too far from here, but he was powerless to get to her. She was shrieking for Taehyung with a raw throat. The word recycling echoed through his head.

He strained with all his lingering strength against his chains, but it did little. He felt so pathetic, so helpless. His family was out there, and needed his help, but he couldn't get to them. It was worse than any other emotion he'd ever felt.

"Noona!" He yelled hopelessly, pulling, but she for sure couldn't hear him. Again, he was unable to do anything for those he loved. Again, he was powerless, watching the fallout from his longstanding selfishness. He never should have gone to Jeju. He should have stayed, here. He could have kept them off the trail, here. Mislead them.

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