Chapter 51: I Miss You

Start from the beginning

The thought circled my mind as I flipped through the rest of the notebook, eventually reaching the end of the book.

At the very back, there was a whole page decorated with big letters written right in the middle.



- Hanny & Key-Key -

Is this... a low-budget birthday card?

I looked back at the name, trying to figure out who's it was.

Suddenly, it clicked. Ms. Falida had mentioned somewhere that she used to be called Lily in school, a nickname taken from her middle name, Lilian.

Hanny must be Mr. Hannes for sure, but who the hell is Key-Key? Oh well, I can just ask Mr. Hannes later.

I searched through the other documents, reaching two files that I never knew even existed.

(F/N) (L/N)

(M/N) (L/N)

My eyes widened. All this time, Ms. Falida was holding my parents' files? Since when? And why didn't I even think about the possibility of it?

I opened my father's first, his general data placed up front. At the bottom was his picture, probably taken when he was in high school.

I know he's my own father but, I can't help but admit he really was handsome. Despite the awful sadness I've been feeling for a while now, I couldn't help but feel proud of my mother for getting someone this hot as her husband.

He had dark hair, dark brown or maybe black. I don't know, I can't see the picture too well. But what I can see clearly are his eyes.

One of the things Ms. Falida kept on completing about me. That, and how my personality was, more or less, just like him. Ms. Falida told me how my father always stayed cool and composed, even if tough situations.

How he was the pillar for my mother to lean on when everything was going wrong.

Dear god, where can J find a guy like dad nowadays. Guys right now are like shit. They only care about a girl's face, and how sexy are they.

All of a sudden, I was brought back to the memory of me and Levi talking at the park a few nights ago.

"As cheesy as this may fucking sound, you really are beautiful, and I'm not talking about your physical appearance."

I can't tell wether he was really being sincere or not, but I know his words aren't 100% true.

Whether they like it or not, guys will always be attracted to a girl's physical appearance. Just as how girls would be attracted to how handsome a guy was, or if he had them muscles.

It's just how humans work.

I shook my head, ridding of the thought. I flipped through the file, only skimming the documents since I realised I was taking too long.

In my pocket, my phone vibrated, making me jerk in surprise. I took it out, gazing at the screen.

It was a message from... Levi?

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