Chapter Sixteen: Trust

Start from the beginning

My breath hitched as a carriage pulled up to the front doors, and I hid behind some pillars. Samual got out and was greeted by all of his friends, and I willed myself to stay hidden, I would greet Sam later.

"Where's Rose?" he asked, looking around.

"I imagine she's hiding somewhere." the King replied, causing Samuel to raise a brow.

"I'll explain in a moment, if you would follow me, please, I've some matters to discuss with you." the King ushered Sam to follow him.

I scoffed. Why hadn't I worked up the nerve to approach them? It wasn't as though the King would do anything in front of a crowd... Would he? I shook the thoughts from my mind before reentering the castle. I wondered how long the King would be speaking to Samuel, I wished to greet him.

"Rosalie?" I turned to see Trinity making her way towards me, "Where were you?"

"I was just late, and... I, uh, missed him." I quickly answered.

"Okay, well do you have any time to talk? Its urgent." she said, looking about, in a panic.

"Of course. What do you need?"

"Not here."

A few moments later we were in a secluded study in the castle's West Wing. Trinity seemed somewhat panicked after I again inquired into what she wished to speak about.

"It's... Well, it's Samuel. We've been exchanging letters these past few weeks, and, well... I've begun to feel something for him." she said, looking away.

"Feel something..?" I urged her to continue, a smile growing on my face.

"Something more than friendship," she concluded, "I need your help, you two are close, what does he think of me?"

"That's not my place to say, though I will encourage you to speak with him about it." I replied.

"Alright. You're right, I have to work up the nerve to speak with him." she nodded her head, "Thank you, Rose. And, just know, that I'm here for you, too, you know, in case you need to speak about the-"

"That's fine, I'm doing well at present." I interrupted, blushing.

"Are you?"

"... No. Not really. I'm really conflicted over my... feelings towards the King." I said dejectedly, as Trinity's face lit up, "What?"

"You just admitted to having feelings for the King!" she exclaimed, a large smile plastered across her face.

"I did not!" I argued.

"Just now, you most definitely did!"

"I was simply referring to the feelings, or rather, emotions I was experiencing in relation to the King. Not actual romantic feelings! Nothing like that!" I finished, mortified.

"Whatever you say..." she teased, before resuming a serious tone, "Anyways, will you tell me what the problem is?"

"I don't know if I can tell you-"

"Rose. I am your friend. You may talk to me, and trust me with your secrets. It's not as though I would go blurting them out around the castle, would I? Do you think so little of me that I would betray your trust like that, I thought I was-"

"I kissed the King." I blurted out.

"Pardon?" Trinity looked taken aback.

"Rather, he kissed me, but I didn't pull away, at least not at first." I refused to meet Trinity's gaze.

"Well then, what is there to be confused about? He kissed you, Rose. You both feel something towards each other, so I think that you should take your own advice, and speak with him about it." she folded her arms.

"I-I can't, it's more complicated, I-I don't full well trust him yet, and I can't love someone I don't trust, and I don't know if I will ever trust him." I said, before shaking my head, "Anyways, I'm fine with keeping our relationship as is. Is there anything else you wanted?"


"No then? I'll be seeing you later Trinity." I exited the room, shutting the door behind me before releasing an exasperated breath.

Samuel should be finished with the King by now, I could look about for him. I made my way through the halls, at last seeing the familiar man, nose stuck in a book, as usual. I crept up behind him, engulfing him in a hug.

"Rose!" he smiled as soon as his eyes met mine, and he returned my embrace.

"How was America? You'll have to tell me all about it!" I urged him.

"Well, I'd hoped to get some fresh air, do you mind if we step out onto the balcony?" he gestured to the living room's glass doors leading out to the balcony.

"Of course." I said, noting his somewhat guilty demeanour.

I opened the balcony door, breathing in the fresh evening air, before turning to Sam. I frowned, when I saw him close and lock the doors, himself still inside. He mouthed the words I'm sorry, and then turned away, leaving me confused, and standing alone on the balcony.

"I fear I have a confession to make," my heart rate accelerated, as I turned to spot the King on the far side of the balcony, "That day, when you asked why I had you moved to the castle? I lied."

"You - You what?" I paused, confused.

"Rosalie, you had me wrapped around your finger the very moment we met. You intrigue me, you make me laugh, you keep me guessing, and... And wanting." he trailed off, allowing a subtle smile to grace his features, "I couldn't allow what had happened with Christain to repeat itself, I had to.. Protect you."

"Don't let it trouble you," I began, ignoring my compulsive instinct to bottle up, "I lied that evening too. I loved someone before... They died. And it was my fault."

"Is that what troubles you at night?" he asked as my head sank, "You needn't feel afraid to tell me about your past, my love."

"I fear you'll hate me." I looked away, ashamed.

"I could never." he held my hands, and I didn't pull them away, instead just keeping my gaze on anything but the King, before speaking.

"I killed the only woman who ever cared for me. The closest thing to a mother I'd ever had."

°•. ✿ .•°

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