Chapter Twelve: Broken Trust

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It had been a week since that night and the King and I hadn't spoken at all. Or rather, he'd tried to speak with me and I'd ignored him entirely, not even affording him something so simple as a nod. It was true that I did miss speaking to him, the two of us had gotten somewhat close over the months we'd known each other, but I would not allow things to go back to how they were. I wouldn't give him the opportunity to hurt me again.

"Rose?" Samuel's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Yes, um, sorry Samuel." I apologized, turning to face my friend.

Ever since the night of the ball, Samuel and I had been spending a lot of time together, talking of all the foreign countries we wanted to visit, and other things. It was indeed a strange friendship, two people advocating for opposing causes, but we both enjoyed each other's company nonetheless.

"You seem distracted, and I daresay... Lonely. What happened that night?" he asked.

"Nothing I wish to relive. Besides, I'm past that, it no longer bothers me. I just get lost in thought very easily. Anyways, you were saying?"

"Just that I'll be sorry to leave you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow! So soon? I thought it was next week?" I asked, incredulous.

"No, though I wish it was." he said, looking forlorn.

"And I'm assuming I'm not the only one you'll be sorry to leave?" I said slyly.

"I-I, it's not that I-" he tripped over his own feet as we continued to stroll down the hall.

"Relax. I already know you're a fool in love, you needn't hide it."

"Not so loud, Rose! Anyone might hear you!" he shushed me, frantically looking around for eavesdroppers.

"So who's the lucky woman?" Fran's voice called from behind us.

"Dear God! No one Fran! Rose is just being delusional!" Samuel called.

"I may be slow, but I'm not stupid Sammy." Fran said, draping an arm over his shoulders, "So?"

"Nobody needs to know..." he said, his face engulfed in a flaming blush.

"Sam!" Fran whined.

"Alright, alright... It's Trinity. I just... Don't tell her, please."

"My lips are sealed. Except I can tell Alice, right?"


"Oh, fine." Fran said, playfully punching Samuel's shoulder, "I'll see the two of you later, alright?"

"Do not breath a word of this to anyone." Samuel warned, to which Fran responded with an overly enthusiastic salute, before slipping into another room.

"Sorry about that." I gave him my most apologetic smile.

"Well, I'm holding you accountable if I return and half the Kingdom knows." he said, trying to repress a smile, "Anyways... Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? That night, I mean. You obviously tried to change the subject earlier."

"No, I already told you, it doesn't trouble me anymore."

"I know I've only known you for a week, but I can tell when your lying Rose. I can see it when you pretend to be fine but you're really not, I can see it when you talk about your feelings regarding the King. I know it upset you more than you're letting on." he said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"But I'm not lying. I don't care about the King, I don't care about that night, and I am in a peaceful state of mind." I responded, though deep down, I knew that that wasn't true.

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