Chapter 28

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I ate my food in silence as I watched everyone around me. Savannah, Molly, Parker, and Sawyer sat at my table while everyone else were seated at the other two. Between bites, my eyes were focused on Rhett, who was now avoiding me, and I have no idea why.

Did I say somethin' wrong?

Everything seemed to be going good. We were actually having a decent conversation, and I learned some things. I even thought we were going to kiss.


Just thinking about how close his lips were to mine made my heart flutter. Did I really want him to kiss me? I like Rhett, but do I really like him, or just infatuation? With how he just shut me out, I don't think I will ever know or get the chance to see if he even has feelings for me.

I take another bite of steak as my mind wonders to what Rhett whispered to me.

"If only I wasn't as dark like the moon."

I still have no idea what the meaning was. He was being cryptic, but I have no idea why. I know Rhett is a mysterious guy, but I was hoping he would be more open now that we have been hanging around with each other more.

My eyes shift to the bright moon in the sky and then back down at my best friend. Savannah's laughter caught my attention. Her and Sawyer seemed to be having a a fun time. Sawyer was saying some jokes while Savannah giggled. For someone who didn't want to come at first, she sure was having a good time. I observed them for awhile and even held back my laughter as Sawyer's jokes got cornier. Then, something else caught my eye. It was Savannah's mannerisms. I watched as she never took her eyes off of Sawyer and how she lightly touched his arm while she laughed.

I've never seen her do that with a guy before. Savannah, being very conservative, always said she doesn't want to seem promiscuous when we ask her why she never flirts with guys. But here she is; she's actually flirting...with my brother.

A lightbulb suddenly went off in my head.

Oh my God.

Why didn't I see this before? It makes sense. She didn't even want to come until Sawyer asked. She never talks about having a crush on anyone and tries to change the subject when we ask her about any boys that catch her attention. The way she was touching him and talking to him right now...

Savannah likes Sawyer.

My eyes widened as my mouth hung slightly agape. How have I not noticed this before? We've been best friends since we were born. Most importantly, why did my best friend keep this secret from me? Did she think I wouldn't approve? I just want the people I care about to be happy.

To say I was hurt was an understatement. If she would've just told me, I wouldn't have cared; I would have supported her.

Now I feel betrayed.

All I can do is stare at her and my brother. I want to get up and get away from her, but I can't bring myself to move.

My anger must have been showing on my face because Molly asked, "Are you alright, Rae?" I blinked rapidly, pulling myself from the trance I was in.

Savannah and Sawyer stopped what they were doing and turned to me upon hearing Molly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I have to go to the bathroom," I lied and excused myself from the table. I quickly made my way into the house and noticed Rhett's eyes on me as I left.

The lock to to the bathroom door clicked, and I turned on the sink, filling the room with noise. Every breath I took was a challenge. When I'm angry, I can't help but cry. I'm trying to take deep breaths to calm myself, but my body is failing me. Squeezing my eyes shut, I splashed some cold water into my face to distract myself.

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