Chapter Fifteen

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  Stark looked up at Caden with a blank expression. "What are you talking about?" He innocently.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Caden shouted. "There are reporters out there. What did you tell them?"

Stark rolled his eyes, sighing dramatically. "Why do you always suspect that it was me?" He asked.

"Because it was you," said Rogers as he stormed into the room, pointing to a television. "Turn it on, Caden."

Caden grabbed the remote controller and turned on the T.V. to the local news station.

"We have a new story in the making, ladies and gentlemen. Is Tony Stark hiding a secret in his Tower?" The reporter asked the screen.

Immediately, the screen changed, showing a gritty picture of Stark talking to someone on a street corner. "An anonymous source claims to have heard Mr. Stark speaking to a colleague about needing a tool to pry off the 'metal arm of his guest.'"

A blurry video of Tony started playing. "Yeah, man, I'd love to see what it looks like on the inside. The only thing is, it's this huge ass thing. All metal and heavy. You'd need one hell of wrench to pry it off of his shoulder. If you sedate him first."

The reporter came back on a screen. "Reports are now coming in of seeing a man with a metal hand walking around Central Park in the early hours of the morning.

Caden gasped. There on the screen was a picture of Bucky and Caden sitting in the grass at Central Park. You could barely make out a silver hand.

"The source was not for certain if this man's entire arm was made of metal, but we can tell from the profile that he strongly resembles the lost criminal of Hydra, the Winter Soldier."

A picture of Bucky as the Soldier flashed on the screen. This time it was Bucky who shakily gasped.

"If this man is the alias of the Winter Soldier, authorities have demanded that this man turn himself in, for the sake of the country. That's all we have for now. More to come."

Rogers grabbed the remote controller, shutting the television off. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He looked at Stark.

"It was harmless chitchat with a colleague," Tony said. "How was I supposed to know someone was recording me? Besides, I didn't take him to Central Park." He looked expectantly at Caden.

Caden's mouth formed an 'O.' "You son of a b-"

"That's enough!" Rogers cut her off. "What were you thinking, Cade, taking him out there? Didn't you know it was dangerous? Did you think of the risks?"

Caden glared at Rogers. "Do you think I WANTED this to happen?" She demanded. "Do you think I KNEW it would happen? I am a DOCTOR, Rogers. I was doing my job. I wasn't blabbing my mouth like an idiot to some stranger."

"You didn't even think about Bucky-"

"Yes, she did."

Caden jumped slightly, turning around. Shed forgotten Bucky was there.

"She thought of me," Bucky continued, stepping forward. "She helped me, Steve. You weren't there, you didn't see it! This morning, being out there, with no people, it was calm. It was relaxing!" He cried. He put a hand on Caden's back. "She made me smile. She made me laugh! Do you know how long it has been since I've felt like that? Because I don't." His eyes started clouding up as his anger grew. He ripped off his ball cap, pointing at his hair. "She helped me remember things, Steve! Have you done any of that?"

"You know I've tried, Buck," Rogers said, taken aback by Bucky's words.

"Enough, Steve," Caden hissed. "Bucky," she said softly. She turned towards him, grasping his hands.

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