Chapter Three

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Stark stared at her blankly. "Whom?"

"My hunch was correct! He was in Halifax!" Caden exclaimed, gathering up her papers. "Got to go, boys. Steve and Sam could be back in mere hours. I've got so much to prepare!" She muttered before running out.

"Who??" Stark yelled, totally confused.

"This is what happens when you only care about yourself, pal," Banner said, patting him on the shoulder, as he started to explain.


In the peace and quiet of her bedroom, Caden attempted to call Rogers, hoping to prod as much information out of him as possible.


Caden blinked at the voice. Who was that?

Then it dawned on her. Her mind quickly replayed the memory of the first time they had met, when he jumped out of a building and into the helicopter she was flying in. She hadn't heard his voice in months.

"Sam? Where's Steve? Why didn't he answer? Is he alright?" She panicked, rifling off a ton of questions.

"Slow down, kid, I can only answer a million at a time," Sam said sarcastically. "Steve's fine. He's dealing with the dude who's supposedly Bucky."

"Was he at the Hydra base?" Caden asked, hoping she had given them the correct coordinates.

"Not... Exactly. We scoped the entire area all night with no sign of him. Steve wasn't going to give up, though. That man is tough," Sam said.

"Sam, where the heck did you find him?" Caden interrupted impatiently.

"Let me tell my story, girl. Jeez! I never get the chance to talk this much when I'm hanging out with Steve and his other buddies. Anyways. As I was saying, Cap wasn't going to give up, so we were walking back to the crappy, rundown motel we were staying at. We passed an alley just outside of the base. As we walked in front of it, a silhouette was creeping towards us. Apparently, we scared it and the shape dove behind a trash can. It all happened in a split second. So, Cap went to investigate while I stood guard." At this he yawned.

"And?" Caden asked irritably.

"Long story short, the silhouette turned out to be the Bucky we were looking for. He and Steve had a long tussle and I ended up almost having to tranquilize him-"

"What?" Caden cut him off yet again.

"Caden!" Sam yelled. "Right before I went to tranq him, it was like something seemed to click in him, like a spark of remembrance or whatever. It was enough to give Steve the chance to overpower him. Somehow, he was able to convince him that we weren't Hydra, that somewhere in his past life they were basically brothers, and to get in the Quinjet with us and come home. I don't know how that man did it, they talked for a hell of a long time. But we finally got him in."

"There hasn't been anything that happened to trigger a sort of Winter Soldier reaction out of Bucky?"

The sound of shattering glass was heard in the background, followed by what sounded like a hasty apology from Rogers.

"Has there?" Caden asked again through gritted teeth.

"I'm not sure, maybe. Whatever that was didn't sound particularly good. I'm gonna go check it out, see if Cap needs help. Bye, Cade."

"Wait! When will you - Ugh!" She groaned as the line went dead. "J.A.R.V.I.S.!" she called.

"Yes, Doctor Stark?" He answered.

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