Chapter Four

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"Dr. Stark?" Rogers' voice crackled over her earpiece.

Caden smirked. He was always so proper. "What's with the formalities, Cap?" She asked grinning. "Haven't we known each other long enough to be on a first name basis?"

"Okay. Caden," Steve said with a small laugh. "We've just landed. Bucky, he's kind of unconscious right now. When Sam was on the phone with you, I was in the room alone with Bucky. To be honest, I really don't know what I said, but it must have been enough to be a trigger of some sort. He started getting really violent and muttering something in Russian, and as we were in flight, we were forced to inject a sleeping drug into him," Rogers said, sounding very upset.

"Hey, no need for explanations, Steve. You did what you needed to do," said Caden gently, gathering up her paperwork and stepping out of her office. "What matters is that you're safe. I'm on my way to my medical wing as we speak. Meet me there."

"Yes, ma'am," Rogers said dramatically, the goofy grin spreading across his face clearly audible through her earpiece.

Caden laughed quietly, shaking her head as she went the short distance from her office to the med bay.

Before reaching the med bay, however, she decided to take a detour.

Entering the passcode, she entered into the forbidden room cautiously.

"Kinda like the West Wing in Beauty and the Beast," she used to say when she was a little girl. Stark had made it very clear this place was off limits. Who knew what kind of traps were installed? It was an armoury after all.

Grabbing a small handgun, she loaded the magazine. Turning the safety to off, she stuck it in its holster, clipping it onto her belt. Concealing it with the cream-colored lab coat (she hated the white ones, for some reason that wasn't explainable she always hated them), she always had on, she suddenly felt a lot safer.

But a whole lot more guilty.

It was as if she were going back on her word to Hill and Banner, even Stark. She told them she had this under control. And she did. She didn't want them thinking, that by arming herself, she was lying to them, that she really wasn't prepared.

It was just that what Rogers had just told her suddenly made the situation seem a little more... Real.

Finally, she walked into her wing of the Tower's medical bay. Expecting Rogers to be the first person to meet her, she was a little surprised when, instead, she ran into Sam Wilson. Giving him a hug, her nervous tick of babbling started to kick in.

"How are you? Do you have any injuries? Lacerations? Breaks? Bruises? Where's Steve? Bucky? Are they okay?" She rattled off. "And what is this?" She gasped, touching his right cheek, which was covered by a protective white gauze.

"Okay," Sam took a deep breath. "First, I have a question of my own... Now I don't know you too well, but are you always this talkative?"

Caden gave him an exasperated look. "Only when I'm nervous. Now answer my questions!"

"Alright, alright," Sam said, starting to count on his fingers as he answered Caden's questions. "I'm good. No major injuries. Steve is in with Bucky. He hasn't woken up yet. They're both fine, considering the situation. This," he pointed to the bandage on his cheek, "is a lovely little bite Steve's buddy gave me in the alley. Damn kid, you have no idea who sharp his teeth are."

"Let me take a look," Caden instructed as she unwrapped the white guaze. She winced at the gash. "That looks painful, Sam. Might need a stitch or two."

Sam waved her off. "I'll be fine, it can wait. Steve is waiting for you. Get going!" He gave her a playful shove in Roger's direction. "You can doctor me later."

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