The first thing Sophia noticed the next morning was that the bed at the end of the room was empty. Yawning, she glanced at her watch to note that it was only 5:30 in the morning. Being a light sleeper, she'd awakened due to the clanking noise emitting from the washroom. Something had fallen down, or perhaps someone had but she wasn't sure and neither did she care.

Sleep was important to her. Especially when she had only a three hours rest. After wondering about what to write the night before, she had settled on a mere sentence and instantly fell asleep, her journal squished beneath her body. Right now, it was lodged under her stomach and she lifted her body to extract it from that position.

With another yawn escaping her mouth, she skimmed through the pages containing her research work on sea turtles and their decline in Hawaii and landed on the piece she was looking for.

One day the deafening in your mind will be but the cacophony in your heart.

Sincerely, Sophia Mir

She stared at her writing, trying to comprehend what she'd been trying to convey and whether she'd been on something. Other than fear, that is.

But as she heard the lock of the bathroom door clicking, she hurriedly stuffed her journal under her covers and stood, searching for her slippers.

"Assalamualaikum," the woman emerging from the washroom said. She was standing by the empty bed with her right hand extended when Sophia looked up at her.

"I- uh- um Waalaikum Us Salam," Sophia hastily said and walked toward the woman to shake her hand. Sophia didn't know why she was being so awkward as the greeting was just a universal part of Muslim interactions.

But she barely used salam as a greeting in Pakistan, only when she was conversing with the elderly or her parents. She'd known that in Palestine the culture would obviously be different but it was just like her to fumble over introductions which came unprepared.

She was always prepared when it came to starting conversations; she'd go through scenarios in her mind and would follow them through. It was the randomness, the inconsistency that fumbled her.

She wanted to follow what she made up. Not make up what she followed.

But the woman standing opposite to her did not know that and even if she did, she'd still raise her eyebrows.

To come off at a good start, Sophia introduced herself.

"I know who you are, Sophia. Well, kind of. But really, you think I'd just let a random stranger stay here without doing a background check on them?"

The woman chuckled and Sophia gave a slight smile, deciding that was the proper way to tackle a trick question.

"Marie and I are good friends so she told me about your internship. I do remember her mentioning that you were here to stay for three weeks, am I right"

"Yes, that's true. Um, I take it that you're Lana? Maria told me that you'd be like my chaperone but she didn't mention whether you'd be my roommate"

"Uhuh that's me. Well, I'll let you be so you can get changed."

Sitting on the chair next to the small desk, Lana wrapped her scarf around her head, taking out her tasbih beads and started mumbling under her breath.

Sophia didn't want to stare at Lana but she found it hard not to as she wanted to make a mental note of Lana's personality. She studied her, taking in every aspect of her body mannerisms to come to her own conclusion on her roommate. She figured if most of her time was going to be spent with Lana, then she should be comfortable with her.

It was a weird way to find solace. But then, what was normal and what wasn't?

It was questions like these which made Sophia both hate and love being an introvert. She loved it because she could hold meaningful conversations with her own self. And she hated it because she was unable to give answers to most of the queries her mind held.

Move it, Sophia. Stop talking to yourself, okay?

She agreed and walked towards the bathroom, her toiletry kit in her hand so she could finally freshen up.

Gotta make a good impression on them. I have to.


Author's note: Thank you so much for giving this book a chance and ik this chapters really short and doesn't show much but I really wanted to show the way Sophia's brain works and all.

Also,I would really appreciate all of your comments and votes. They would really make my day.


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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