IX. Check up On It

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"Burning bridges you need, trying to keep the ones you don't..."

Hidden Hills, California
April 29th, 2018

"We need to talk." Her deep voice echoed through the kitchen, I finished pouring my self a glass of wine before turning to look at her.

"Is there really anything to talk about?" I was being difficult, I knew I was but I couldn't help myself, conversations between us only went one of two ways, and I couldn't understand what me coming to see her was going to change about that.

"Stop being like that, and are you really going to get drunk while we talk?" The attitude in her voice was heavy, she was being petty already, she was just mad because she was still on a strict diet, it had done her body right, but not having anything to take the edge off made her mean as hell.

"I'm having a glass of wine." I deadpan.

"Yea which will turn into a few." She shot back, I rolled my eyes, I didn't have time for her childishness.

"Look Giselle if you want to argue about what I drink that's fine, but you gone be arguing with yourself." I turned to walk back towards my bedroom, I didn't bother looking behind me since I knew she was following me.

"I fly you out here to talk and you don't even want to talk." I hear her close the bedroom door, I set my glass down not liking her tone at all.

"Don't make it sound like some grand gesture, I told you about that shit! I don't need nothing from you Beyoncé, everything you've done for me you chose to do." I mean mugged her, I knew I shouldn't have let her pay for my ticket, she tended to do that from time to time when she couldn't get her way, say what she's done for me in hopes that I'll bend to her will.

"I didn't even mean it like that!" She crossed her arms and her head turned up.

"Yes you did! And you know you did!" I sighed in frustration, I swear her pretty ass presses my nerves in the worst way.

"I'm sorry baby I'm stressed out...I don't wanna lose you." Her tone instantly melting into the one she aswell as I, knew there was no refusal to.

Why does she always do this to me?

"Giselle..." I was cut off when I felt her strong arms wrap around me, I felt her lean into me, holding me like I'd disappear at any moment.

"Girl I love you so much that it hurts, it hits me in my chest every morning when I wake up and you're not there." I felt her warm breath on my shoulder as she placed a deep kiss to it.

"You've taken care of me, been there for me, encouraged me, ride or die for me, mama you done did it all for me." She continued on, I felt a small smile tug at my lips at the way her speech was relaxing into that deep southern tone I loved so much, she always tried to hide it, so it was refreshing to hear whenever she let it out.

"You accepted the ugly side of me...when I hated it myself, you were so real to me I cannot thank you enough Onika." I felt her hands move to clasp with mines and she squeezed tightly.

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