III. Intuition

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"You know the truth by the way it feels..."

LAX, Los Angeles
April 28th, 2018

"Hey Julius." I yawned as he grabbed my duffle bag from me and lead me to the car, I'd just landed about 30 minutes ago and I was still a little jet lagged.

"Miss Onika, long time no see." Julius said as he gave me a small smile through the rearview mirror, he'd known about Beyoncè and I early on before it really even became serious...but it was his job, he stayed vigilant on anyone that came in and out of her life, and that included me too.

"I've been around..." I said giving him the same smile back.

He nodded his head gently before speaking again.

"Boss lady misses you." He said simply, and I knew she did if even Julius was seeing it, she usually was good with keeping things on the low but I guess these three weeks had gotten to her.

"I bet...where's she got you taking me?" I asked, knowing she probably already requested to have me dropped off to where she was at, she just couldn't wait.

"The condo in Calabasas, said she had something planned." Julius said, his eyes trained on the road as he expertly weaved through the mid day LA traffic.

What could she have planned? She rarely used the lavish space.

I tried to rack my brain about Bey and her possible motives until the vibration of my phone interrupted me.

I pulled it out my bag and rolled my eyes at the contact.

"Yes?" I answered a bit harshly after accepting the call.

"Well shit, I'm just trying to check on my sister...but you out living ya best life I see." The voice of my sister Ming blared over the receiver.

"Yea I am and you're interrupting it." Don't get it twisted I loved my sister but she could be a pain in the ass sometimes.

"You and AJ asses are so ungrateful! I be trying to check on y'all lil bird asses but get attitude, Mommy is lucky I have such a weak spot for her or I wouldn't do it." Ming said with an attitude, she was the oldest, with me being the middle and my other sister AJ being the youngest. So she always felt obligated to do whatever our mother said.

"Girl boo you know I love you, stop being like that." I said playfully, because the last thing I needed was her running back to my mother and being dramatic.

"That's better...anyways where you headed?" Ming asked.

"I'm in LA..." I trailed off because I knew Ming was going to lose her shit in about three more seconds.

"Where are the tickets from my sister in law!? Huh? You been siting on her face for damn near a year now and I still haven't been to not a concert! I should've been at Coachella!" Ming dramatically yelled and I pressed the volume down button on my phone hoping Julius didn't hear her, I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks at her statement.

Trying to keep a secret from Ming was like mixing oil and water...you can't. I didn't even tell her, she more so forced it out of me in a weird ass way I couldn't explain, she was wild like that. But regardless I was glad she knew, because at the end of the day she was still my big sister and I could confide in her.

"Girl that is not your sister in law." I said choosing to ignore her other statements because that one in particular did something to me.

"The way she loves and takes care of you says otherwise, not to mention that diamond mine on your damn ring finger, Onika stop playing with me." Ming said seriously as I released a sigh, but she was right, Bey loved me on a whole nother level, so much so that it transcended a lot of things, but I still couldn't help but feel wrong, she was married with children and that always ate at me.

Not to mention she was doing the exact thing her 'husband' did, and two wrongs never made a right.

"Alright Ming." I sighed trying to bring the conversation to an end, I'd been doing good trying not to let the situation weigh on me emotionally, but Ming had a way of making you see just how serious something really was.

"Alright Onika, I'll leave you to it...but don't you fuck up a good thing because you're worried about everybody and their morals, this ain't their life it's yours, and if you love somebody the world will just have to deal with it, ain't no such thing as a life that's better then yours, so you better choose right and love yours." Ming said firmly, and I knew she wasn't saying anything but the truth, I had a terrible infatuation with trying to satisfy others, even if it meant I wasn't satisfied myself.

"I got you. I'm gonna talk to you later MingMing." I said because I didn't really have a response for what she said right then and there.

"Aight Nika...you, mommy, and AJ are my world and I only want the best for y'all at all times, and even though the terms aren't ideal...Bey's really the best I've seen for you...that girl loves you something deep." Ming said and I felt my chest tighten at her words, sometimes it made me sick just how right she could be.

"I hear you." And I really did.

"Aight text me later, Love you and send me that picture you and AJ took." Ming said.

"I will and love you too." The call ended and I shoved my phone back into my purse and ran a hand over my face before huffing a breath out.

"Julius can you turn the car around?" I asked abruptly, for some reason I couldn't do it, I couldn't see her, I'd be a mess.

"Are you sure? She's waiting on you." Julius reminded and my heart clenched at the thought.

"I-I'm sure." I said trying to keep the tears I knew wanted to fall at bay.

"Where to Miss?" Julius asked.

I couldn't talk so I just typed the location into the GPS and slid my phone onto the arm rest.

He looked at it for a moment before I felt the car stop and make a Uturn.

I laid my head against the window, hot tears streaming down my face.



Hey my loves.

Short ik 😭

Right to it though.

So Nicki landed and Bey had something planned🤔 watchu think was the plan?

NicNic gotta call from her sister Ming that seemed to strike a couple of heart strings.

What do you think about the call and what Ming said.

Nicki seems almost conflicted in a way, and now Sis is crying and headed somewhere else 🤦🏽‍♀️where do you think she's headed and why ?

Thanks for the love 💙

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