VIII. The Closer I Get to You

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"Over and over again
I tried to tell myself that we
Could never be more than friends
But all the while, inside, I knew it was real,
The way you make me feel..."

September 9th, 2016
LaGuardia Airport
Queens, NewYork

"Mommy I promise when I get back we'll have dinner okay?" I sighed into the phone, of course she'd called to curse me out about missing yet another dinner.

"Okayyyyy...Yea...mhm...alright...I gotchu mommy, love you too." I said finally being able to end the call, I took a deep breath and leaned my head against the tinted window of the Sprinter van.

"You okay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over to see Beyoncé peering at me with a worried expression.

I almost forgot where I was, I immediately felt warm at the contact on my shoulder.

" moms just being a typical mom." I chuckled lightly, but I knew my mother was honestly hurt I couldn't come to dinner yet again. It wasn't anything she did, but I wasn't about to tell her her "HuSbAnD", had tried to come onto me and step to me about money, I didn't want to tell her mostly because I couldn't believe it had happened, so it was better for me to just use my busy schedule as an excuse.

"You sure that's it? You can talk to me mama, it looks like it's bothering you." Beyoncé pressed, and I wanted to openly sigh, she made it hard not to feel anything towards her, every gesture she made towards me was genuine so far, and it made my heart skip a beat.

I hated that I always wanted what I couldn't have.

And I hated even more that I felt so content and relaxed around her, I knew I couldn't let myself get too deep but like I said, it was hard not to.

"I'm okay Bey I promise, I don't want to throw you off your game, thank you though." I didn't want to burden her with my issues anyways, I knew she had enough on her plate, and the last thing she needed to know about was my sleazy 'step father'.

She sucked her teeth and shook her head, obviously not liking my attempt at brushing the situation aside.

"Nonsense, we're a team now so my game is your game and vice versa." I felt the blush creep on my cheeks, she knew just what to say to make me feel flustered.

I looked at her for a few more moments and realized she wasn't going to let the issue go. She was persistent, a trait that showed its self in everything she did.

"I'll tell you when we get on the jet deal?" Maybe It couldn't hurt to tell her since she wanted to know, and maybe I could use an outside opinion. We'd have about 3 hours to talk and I knew she'd want to pick my brain.

"It's a deal." She winked at me and I tried my best not to grin hard.

A knock followed by the door to the van opening took both of our attention.

"Sorry to interrupt but the jets ready." The tall brown skin man I'd come to know as Beyoncé's body guard, Julius, said.

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