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First of all, if you've gotten this far... THANK YOU SO MUCH

This entire story was really important to me, so if you've finished it, hugs and stuff for you!

Anyway, this story was my first novella, so it might not be as good as some of my other stuff, but I'm still quite attached to it :X Um, if you've read my other finished story, Devil's Paint... The next part is for you! If not, just skip down a couple more lines.

There will be a sequel coming out some time either this or next year! It's definitely happening, and so are several other small projects regarding that world.

Besides anything else I've posted, i have a few short stories and stuff I'm working on and I should be able to get at least the first chapters up soon. I'm also working on a collaboration story with Writergirlsoccer that will be posted on her account.

Er, I think that's all for now! If you liked this story, please stick around, because I'm totally not done writing things :3

OH AND THIS JUST IN; This story has a sequel!! It's much better written than this one, promise.


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