The Dinner

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(A/n) excuse my trashy ass french. I am not very good at speaking the baguette.

Weiss led the group to an overly fancy restuarant. Called *insert generic French name* A female cat faunus was standing at the door as our host.

"Ah. Bonjour Madame Schnee! Je m'appelle Amelie. I will be your serveur for tonight. The five of you. Follow me s'il vous plait."

The nice lady guided the five of you to a comfy booth with a big table that had a few scented candles on top.
You all sat down and ordered some drinks. Except for doomguy. He just waved his hand and signalled: "I'll pass."

They all got their drinks and were just chatting about. Until.

Blake:"hey uhh. You still haven't told us who you are and what we should call you."

Vega:"I could pick a name from the UAC database. How ever this is optional."

Ruby:"do it!"

The doomslayer nodded in agreement as thousands of names passed.
After a minute or so VEGA landed on a certain name: Dimitri Senaviev. One of the last unpossessed UAC soldiers. One who fought valiantly to the bitter end.

Yang:"well. I guess I can live with that."


Amelie returned and was ready to take orders. Everybody closely examined the menu.

Everyone but doomguy ordered something.

Blake ordered mostly fish based meals.
Weiss ordered the *insert fancy food*.
Ruby ordered all of the sweets.
Yang ordered mostly meat.

Everybody happily chowed down except for the doomslayer. All he could notice was the extreme speed at which the red girl was eating and the overly load chewing of the cute blond.  The white girl was a true sight to behold, the elegance at of her eating made her seem like an actual queen. And the black girl was seeping with satisfaction.
These would be the ones that he would spend most of his time with.

These would be the hands that guided him through this strange world, the eyes that saw good in his tainted and blackened heart, the voices that would be happy to call him a friend. And the minds of those that would think of him as their comrade. Something that he hadn't thought of in a long,long time.
He felt a moment of would he dare say:"happiness?"

However his moment of euphoria was quickly interrupted by the sound of glass breaking. The slayer excused himself from the table and walked outside. He heard some screams and as he walked towards the sounds of panic, he saw a bullhead parked in the middle of the road. A man with orange hair, a girl with brown and pink hair and about 5 random faunus' were standing inside a local dust shop while threatening the owner at gunpoint.

He walked towards the shop and sneaked up behind the first of the five henchman: the one guarding the door. He wrapped his arm around his neck and put a hand on his mouth as he dragged the poor guy away.
5 clicks could be heard until his neck finally snapped. He dropped the dead body on the ground as he busted the door of the shop open. Everybody quickly turned around and pointed their guns towards him.

Roman:"Well what are you idiots waiting for!? Fire!"

Everybody opened fire at the slayer but every single bullet was getting either completely stopped by his armor or simply bounced off.

He swept the legs out underneath a deer faunus and then punched his head off in mid air. He pulled of one of the dead faunus' antlers and stabbed another in the eye. The antler went so deep that it punctured  his brain instantly killing him. He lifted up the fourth and dropped him onto his knee completely paralyzing him. He threw the body of the faunus at the fifth. The amount of force used to throw body caused both faunus' to die on impact with each other, both of the two bodies were now embedded in the concrete wall behind them.

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