Dance pt/1

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(A/n): there aren't going to be any demons since I think that the demons would find it most logical to just leave him in remnant and not piss him off again.

Also this chapter was written at 3 in the morning cause I couldn't sleep so its probs gonna be trash.

The doomslayer had been on a rampage against the white fang for a week now.
Everywhere they went, whether they started a weapon smuggling operation or just a social gathering. The slayer was there, leaving only a pile of corpses behind.

He had hunted down and brutally murdered almost every single member of the white fang in the city of vale.

He thought that it had been enough. That they wouldn't bother him again, so he went back to beacon while covered in blood and gore.

He kicked in the door of the cafeteria and walked in.
Everyone stared at the slayer as if he was the grim reaper himself. They were not far from the truth though.

The slayer sat down at Team Rwby's table, blood still dripping from his armor, muscle strands still stuck to his elbow and the upper left chamber of a heart stuck under his boot.

Yang:"Hey big guy. Before you sit here, PLEASE, take a shower. Cause you smell a like week old corpse."

Vega:"Multiple actually."

Blake:"not even gonna ask for an explanation."

The slayer walked towards the dorm and stepped inside the shower with his armor on.

The water quickly turned red. He stood there for about a minute or so until the water wasn't red anymore.

He turned off the shower and stepped out of the shower and walked back to the cafeteria.

He sat back down with teams RWBY and JNPR.

Pyrrha:" so any of you found a partner for the dance yet?"

Nora:"Ren's mine. So dont get any ideas!."

Jaune:"well no."

Weiss:" I'm going with Neptune."

Blake:"I think this dance is just a big waste of time."

Ruby:"blake dont be a buzzkill! Anyway, I dont have anyone either."


Ruby:"how about you Dimitri?"

Doomguy lifted his shoulder's and then pointed at Yang.

Yang:"You want me to go with you?!"
She screamed out of excitement.

The slayer simply nodded.

Yang yelled out of happiness. The entire cafeteria was now silent for a few seconds, after a few seconds the banter continued.

All of the sudden the intercom came on.

"Will mister Senaviev please report to my office immediately."

*time skip to ozpins office*

Ozpin:"it seems the you have disappeared from the radar for a week. And in that week white fang activity has significantly dropped. Would you care to explain?"

Vega:"playing footage."

A screen appeared of The Slayer using his chainsaw to saw a white fang in half.

Ozpin:"alright that's enough. You are dismissed. "

The slayer walked put of Ozpins office and back to the RWBY dorm.

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