You're Owl I Need 13

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As soon as Akaashi left Bokuto called Kuroo. He didn't know what he just did, and he regretted everything moment of it.

Akaashi was so strong and went through so much, he didn't need more too carry. He shouldn't have said all that and he should never have regretted saving Akaashi.

"Hey, Bo what's up?" Kuroo answered in a casual way.

"I think I did something really bad." More like on the brink of freaking out. "I need to talk to you. Can we meet at our usual spot?"

Kuroo sat up straight at the news. "Course, I'm heading over there now. See you there." Kuroo hung up and slowly crawled out of bed, where a sleeping Kenma was. He threw on his clothes, kissed Kenma on the head and left the house after writing a note too him.

Kuroo raced down the street and went to the park. He climbed up the ladder, his eyes glowing so he knew where to step, his vision like a cat. Bokuto was already there, sitting like a perched owl.

"Bro, what's up," Kuroo said concerned. "I'm worried."

"I fucked up bro. I told Akaashi to leave me and then he said he loved me, and I never stopped loving him, and I don't know what to do. He might never forgive me and it's a huge problem."

"Kou, calm down. Find him, tell him you're sorry and then reveal your feelings. Knowing Akaashi, he'll understand why you're hurt."

"Okay, where he could be though?"

Kuroo smiled at Bokuto, his incredibly dumb but good friend.

"I think you'll know where," He said, smiling and patting Bokuto on the shoulder.

Bokuto thought for a moment.

"Do you think he'll be at the cliffs?" He said, eyes lighting up at the thought of find Akaashi.

Kuroo nodded, "Go get your man bro!"

Bokuto practically jumped from the treehouse and started sprinting to the cliffs. The cliffs where he met Akaashi. Where he went to fly so many times. Where he mourned Akaashi's disappearance over the months.

He went there for solitude, and to let his anger and sadness pour out. He cried so often there and punched the ground wonder why did this happen to him? But Bokuto understood now.

The world works this way. His mothers had gone through so much pain before meeting each other and now he was going to find his lover and keep him. He would treat him like a king and he would not insult Akaashi.

He would cherish him and respect him and give him the freedom to choose. He would do this for Akaashi, he would run around the world for Akaashi and all he had to do was make it in time.

When he reached there, the moon was shining on Akaashi's pale skin. And he was standing at the edge of the cliff, looking like he was ready to jump off.

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