You're Owl I Need 9

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Kiera filed in all the information and evidence of the situation she had and with Akaashi's testimony, it was an obvious that his father was headed to jail.

However, as soon as Bokuto heard this from Karou, he freaked out. He ditched work and ran towards the courthouse where he was hoping Akaashi would still be there. And he was, walking out.

"Akaaaaaaaaashi!" Bokuto yelled out and Akaashi looked up at him. He didn't smile, didn't keep eye contact, only looked down and walked faster. Away from him. Confusion seeped into Bokuto's mind. Why would Akaashi walk away?

He ran faster and grabbed Akaashi's wrist.

"Hey? What's wrong, are you okay? I heard from Karou that you-" He was cut off from Akaashi ripped his wrist out of Koutarou's grasp.

"Stay away from me. I hate you, I don't want to see you again. Never again." Akaashi said this with such venom in his tone, Bokuto froze.

"I never liked you. You were something I could use so I could distract myself. And now I'm not in danger, I don't need you anymore. So, leave me alone." Akaashi walked away and Bokuto could only stare at his retreating figure.

Tears formed in his eyes and he could only think of making Akaashi smile, kissing Akaashi and doing everything with Akaashi. He had spent so much time with him and Akaashi was only using him. His heart fractured a bit and he kept thinking of everything.

Akaashi being reserved. Akaashi not enjoying public affection. Maybe that was because he was disgusted by Bokuto. Tears slipped down his face and he wiped them away. They didn't stop though and he kept thinking.

Akaashi avoiding him for the past week, Akaashi saying the bare minimum of words. Koutarou had thought that was because Akaashi was shy and introverted but was that because he was baring the pain Bokuto had brought him.

Maybe he shouldn't have perused Akaashi so desperately. Had he been too clingy? Had he been too emotional and childish? He didn't know, because he couldn't ask the one person who would know but wouldn't talk to him.

Agatha said Akaashi would bring him happiness. But all he brought was heartache. He sprinted to Agatha and banged onto the door. She answered and Bokuto started his rant immediately.

"You did this! You said he would bring me happiness but he left. He left! Why? I don't understand, did I do something wrong? Did I hurt him or say the wrong thing? What did I do to the point of him not wanting to talk to me! He said he was using me."

Bokuto garbed Agatha's shoulders and shook hard. "Is it true? Was he really using me for an escape? I think I think I loved him and if you had told me when to go out earlier, I wouldn't have met him. I wouldn't have saved him!"

Bokuto looked at her, rage strong in his eyes.

"I should have never saved Akaashi Keiji from killing himself." It was Bokuto's goodbye to Agatha and he left not noticing the crying boy in the hallway who heard everything and regretted ever saying it.

Bokuto stormed out of the building complex and realized it was nightfall. When did that happen? But he kept walking around town, even after knowing it was dark and dangerous. He weaved through buildings and was shoved to the wall, face first.

A group of thugs surrounded him and he heard the sound of a gun clicking.

"Let's kill this basted and rob him of his life. Then his belongings." One of them said and the rest laughed.

They shot him in the back and he screamed, wings extra sensitive. The shot him six times and he collapsed to the ground, with the blood pouring from him at a rapid pace.

That was the night of Bokuto Koutarou's death.

Not the end of the book. Next chapter coming soon.

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