Maybe my phone isn't working. I texted my sister and she looked at me weird.

"Dude, I'm right beside you. Why'd you text me."

"To make sure my phone was working. Give me a second." I said, hanging them $100 to pay for their and walking out of the store.

"You have reached the voicemail box of Shawn Mendes, please leave a message after the tone."

"Hey, so I know you're busy or whatever. But it's been three hours and I haven't heard from you. I just need to make sure that the roof hasn't collapsed and that you're alright. Please call me back or text me that you're okay or something. I'm starting to worry. Love you." I hung up the phone and let out a worried breath.

I looked around and sat down of the bench outside of the store, needing to take a break. I looked up for a second, but then had to take a double take because I thought I saw Niall shopping, but he was supposed to be with Ally.

It was him. I got up from the bench and walked across the aisle into the Ralph Lauren. I grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around.

"Oh, Mer. It's just you. I thought you were the paps." He said laughing, fake grabbing his heart.

"I thought you were with Ally." I said, extremely confused.

"She told me she was with you today."  He said as he walked to the counter to check out.

"So she lied to both of us. What the hell is going on?" I asked, following him.

"Side note: how did you notice me from across the mall, I'm in disguise." He said, stopping me.

"I've followed since I was eleven. But that's beside the point. I want to know what the hell is going on." I said, starting to panic.

"Here let me call her." He said as we stepped out of the store. The twins were sitting outside of the store. I held up one finger to them and told them to wait.

"Hey Niall. What's up?"
"Just calling to check on you. How's Mer?" Niall asked as I listened in to the conversation.
"She's good. We're on the way to the movies right now." Why is she lying?
"Oh that's nice. What are you guys planning on watching?"
"Ant man and the wasp I believe." She said like she had rehearsed what she was going to say.
"Alright. Have fun and be safe."
"We will. Bye."

And she hung up the phone. What the heck?

I dropped the twins off at moms' house before driving back home. I parked my car in the garage and made my way into the kitchen, grabbing and chair from the table and placing it in front of the door.

If they wanted to lie, I was going to be petty about it. I sat on my phone, with one arm across my chest.

About twenty minutes later, Shawn's car pulled I got the driveway. I put my phone down, and crossed my other arm across my chest.

Shawn opened the door and stopped in his track when he saw me sitting there.

"How was the studio, Shawn?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"It was good." He said, his voice going up slightly.

"I texted you. Why didn't you respond?" I asked. "What if something would have been wrong with the baby?"

"I'm sorry love. My phone must have been on airplane mode." He said, struggling to take his phone out of his pocket to check. I stood, which was a struggle, and walked over to him.

"See that would have been almost believable," I said opening my messages on my phone. "Had your read receipts not been on." I said raising my eyebrow.

"So what were you really doing all day?"

Before he could answer, Ally walked through the front door.

"Mer, I didn't know you were home." She said, stopping right behind Shawn. I turned away from Shawn to look at her. And then I looked back at him.

I narrowed my eyes, even more if that was possible, and starred at the both of them.

"So the two of you just happen to be ignoring and lying to me all day, and you're together?" I looked down at the watch on my hand.

"And your weren't expecting me home for another hour or two but I told the twins I wasn't feeling well so I came home early. What exactly were you two going to do, by yourselves, alone, together?"

The looked at each other wide eyed before turning back to me.

"It's not what it looks like."

I love drama

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