Chapter 11- Nunya

Start from the beginning

he simply nods his head. Jerk

"Fine. We finally agreed on something." I rolled my eyes once again.

"You know if you keep rolling your eyes they will fall out soon." Emilio point out

"You know if you keep being a jerk to me I won't stop messing with you." I mock

"Whatever." he rolls his eyes

I look over to my phone to check the time. It's about 3pm and I'm still tired. I kinda want to hit the gym later too. I think i'll just go when I take Emilio home.

"Alright so now what?" Emilio asks

"Well we have to buy all of that stuff and I don't feel like going to the store now so we can do it over the weekend or sometime next week to practice." I say

"Alright i'm fine with that. Now take me home." He demanded

"Give me like 5 minutes I need to go change." I say grabbing my phone

"What do you need to change for you look fine." Emilio asked confusingly

"Well after I drop you off i'm going to the gym." i say heading up the steps.

"Hurry up" he yells up to me

"Whatever" I yell back.

I go into my room and change into a grey nike sports bra and pair it with black nike shorts. I put on my white and black sneakers to go with it. I quickly throw my hair into a pony tail and grab my gym bag. I rush down stairs grabbing two water bottles and then finally heading out the door making sure to grab my keys.

I go into the car and can feel Emilio's eyes on me. I turn my head towards him to see him already staring at me. He look me up and down but when he comes back up he focuses more on my chest.

"Hey, eyes up here buddy." I snapped

He mumbles sorry under his breathe and then I begin driving. It was a silent ride besides him telling me where to go to get to his house. About 5 minutes later we arrive at his house.

Before he gets out of the car he turns towards me.

"Thanks." he says

"No problem." I answer back

"Also what are you doing this Friday night?" he questioned

Why does he want to know what i'm doing?

"Going out." I reply back.

"With who?"


"Who's Nunya?"

"Nunya business." I smile at him.

He rolls his eyes and look back at me

"No but seriously who are you going with?"

"Tyler Walker." I say

"Don't." he says quickly


"Tyler is no good."

"What do you mean?"

Where was he going with this?

"You know what nevermind." he huffs.

"Alright then." I shrugged waiting for him to get out.

"Where are you guys going?" he asks again

"Are you trying to stalk me?"

"No I just want to know."

"We're going to this street fight or something."

As soon as I say this his eyes widen but quickly recovers by putting on a blank face. I knew why he did that. He knew he was fighting. Which means I get to see him fight.

"You can't go." he demanded. Figures

"And why is that?" I challenge

"It's dangerous there. Someone like you shouldn't be going to things like that." he looks into my eyes

"Wow Emilio. I thought you were better than that. How would you know it's dangerous here. Unless you hav even there before." I smirk

"Look please just don't go." It almost sounds like he's begging.

"Fine. I wasn't planning on going with him anyways. Taking someone to a fight is a terrible first kinda date anyways." I huff

"Thank you. Anyways I'll see you later." he gets out of the car.

I watch as he goes into his house and that's when I know the coast is clear.


Did he really think I wasn't going to go to that fight. Please. Any chance to see Emilio get beat up I will never pass that offer up. I put my car in drive and head to the gym.


The gym was eventful. When I first got there I started to run the treadmill while watching the show Insatiable. I guess I didn't realize how long I was on the treadmill because I was running for about 3 hours on it.

The good part was that I finished the first 3 episodes. Once I was finished I started to do arms and abs. Let me tell you when your legs feel like jelly it's hard to do everything else.

So here I am laying on my couch at almost 7pm at night not willing to get up and make myself some food. I want to order pizza but then I would have to go pick it up because Little Caesar's doesn't deliver.

I finally decided to eat off my lazy butt and go into the kitchen to go make something to eat. I decided to make some simple mac and cheese. I love mac and cheese. I could eat it for the rest of my life.

I cook the mac and cheese and begin eating. I also play on my phone while i'm at it.

It sucks being alone in a semi big house. It's always quite and you never have anyone to talk to. I remember how things use to be before my life went to complete sh*t but now that's in the past.

I don't even understand what I did. Was I bad bad child? Why did they hate me so much? Did I mess something up?

The possibilities could be endless. I still have most scars from when they used to live here. Although I hate what they did but they were still family. My blood family.

I was soon brought out of my thoughts when I hear loud banging at my front door.

Who could possibly be here this late at night? I have no friends.

"Alright i'm coming!" I yell over the knocking.

I pull open the door and there stands Emilio with a worried expression on his face.

"You have to come with me right now." he says as he grabs my wrist and pulls me into a car filled with Ryder and Ivan.

What's going on?


How is the cooking going to go with Emilio and Dallas? Why did Emilio not want Dallas to go with Tyler? Is Emilio worried about Dallas? Does he care for her? What happened that Emilio was so worried about? Why did Emilio come to grab Dallas late at night? What's going to happen?
Find out in...
I Punched Emilio Martinez

I Punched Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now