In sickness and in health

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The first time Bucky watched Steve get sick he didn't know what to do. He had been told by Sarah that if Steve was going to move in with Bucky then he would have to know all necessary details if shit hit the fan. Like what soup helps the best and if he starts to freeze give him all the warmth you can find and Vice versa. James thought he would of been more prepared for the event but turns out he was even more scared than Steve when it occurred. It was a Wednesday afternoon when Bucky returned home from his torturing job to see Steve shaking like a Leaf in the autumn breeze. He wrapped covers around him even cuddled him to see if human body warmth could help but he just kept shivering. Steve eventually threw up and passed out in Bucky's arms.

It had been a couple of hours, he was breathing but didn't wake up. James was pacing up and down their worn down apartment crying.
'Omg Buck you idiot if you had come home sooner maybe this wouldn't of happened, maybe he would be ok. Sick but ok, you've given him every jacket you own, every blanket why isn't he waking up or stopped shaking!!"

Bucky moved to the side of the bed interlocking his hand with Steve's.
"You're so precious, my little angel....except you don't know that and I wouldn't confess because what if you hate me for being gay and you might not wake up. I should probably call an ambulance but you are breathing you don't seem to be dying?! Please don't die! I need you in my life. I love you Steve every skinny bone in your body is perfection, your smile and your eyes and your personality makes me melt. Please wake up don't leave me!"

Steve slowly stirred awake from what seemed like forever. "Uhh Bucky, I-I'm not going to leave you, haha...I'm fine you absolute drama queen. Don't call me gross but" he leaned up weakly so that their faces were inches apart. Both now sharing the same oxygen, he glanced into Bucky's glistening eyes and flushed face as he let out a smile before catching his lips for a kiss.

Needless to say confessing your love to a sickly boy who you thought might of been on the verge of dying did have its perks.

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