The wedding bells chime and i realise you left me alone

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Word count: 2180

A/N it's based of the song Satisfied in the musical Hamilton (good musical!) some of the lyrics I've left out of this because it just doesn't relate to the things I'm writing so don't be confused. Also I've changed the names in the song to the names in this fic so it makes sense

Buckys P.O.V

I always looked after Steve wether it was him getting into petty fights (that could of been prevented if he just dropped the subject) or him falling extremely ill. I was always there for Guess he found someone else to look after him.

Alright, alright. That's what I'm talkin' about!
Now everyone give it up for the best man
James Buchanan Barnes!

It was my turn to give a speech, I knew this would come when Steve asked me to be his best man to his and Peggy's wedding. I didn't want to go. How could I? Watch my life long friend and crush be married to someone who wasn't me? It was selfish. Guess it was karma for all the dames I took out in front of him.

A toast to the groom!
A toast to the bride!
From your best friend
Who is always by your side
To the union!
And the hope that you provide
May you always be

It went well, people clapped and I got off stage. 'To the bar' I sighed as I walked over to get whiskey. Classy I know. Rolling my eyes I sat down at a table at the back of the building alone.

I remember that night I just might regret that night for the rest of my days.

It was dark and I was walking home from one of my many failed dates. The sky was almost black but had dark blue splurges mixed in with it as the moon shined bright giving it that extra bit of magic. Just as I was rounding a corner I heard voices and punches being thrown.
"Give up already"
"I can do this all day!"
I intervened. Throwing the guy who was punching away.
Pick on someone your own size!" I said before I turned around to attend to the boy in front of me. "You ok?" Of course he wasn't but it was all I could say he was incredible weak I could tell. I had to protect him I had too!
"I'm should just go home."
"I'm not going anywhere until you're safe."
"That might be impossible."
"I'm James Buchanan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky. You?" I helped him up and slung my arm around his shoulder to walk him home.
"Steve Rogers."
"Well Steve Rogers, do you have a place to stay?"
"Not exactly...well I do it's just..."
"Stay with me until you're better?" His face contorted up into a frown and I doubted my question. Had I made a mistake asking? I did only meet the guy I realised how creepy I sounded now and I began to panic slightly.
"I realised how creepy that sounded! I didn't mean it like that I just meant that! Well I thought maybe we could become friends and stuff and you seem really weak no offence and I really want to help you and...sorry"
"No it's not that I'm thankful that you'd want to help me it's just. I could be a murderer!" He began to giggle and my lips twisted into a smile.
"Seeing how you fight I doubt it." We both burst out laughing and my stomach filled with butterflies. I want to make him happy and protect him.

I remember those soldier boys
Tripping over themselves to win our praise

It was War time now. I was in the army and all though Steve lied on about every enlistment form he could get his hands on, he failed to get in. It hurt I remember him crying as I pulled him into a hug on my...our worn out sofa. He begged me not to go and I damn well nearly didn't but I was forced. I remember kissing his forehead and wrapping my arms around him tightly as he fell asleep. I was in love with him. And I thought he was in love with me... I went to war. It was hazy and all I can remember was being kidnapped by Hydra. Until he came back..Steve came back and he rescued me...he was bigger than I remember stronger too and as it warmed my heart to see him healthy and strong I wondered where the old Steve went.

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