"I hate to be the one to suggest this, but shouldn't we all not be here so that we don't catch anything?" Namjoon pointed out. "After all, sickness is not exactly the best thing to catch in our line of work."

That was a very good point. Not that it stopped them.

"No way. How can I let my baby suffer like this alone?" Jin was horrified at the suggestion. Sure, he didn't really want to catch anything, but his parental instincts overrode it. "I think we should take turns watching her and making sure she's doing okay."

Nana, listening to the entire conversation playing out in front of her, patted the couch to get the others' attention. NO. DUMB. NOT HERE. She didn't want anyone to feel what she felt, even if she would be lonely for the rest of the day. She especially feared the consequences if anyone else were to get sick, as, like Joon said, they were singers (and rappers). It was enough that she got sick, but if this continued it would be a never-ending cycle of infection. It was better to nip it in the bud than to let it spread.

They grasped her meaning even with the little words she gave (basically the extent of their vocabulary), but wanted to argue. Before they could, she simply signed CAMERA. With that, they couldn't refute her. It was true, they could just put a camera in the room and keep watch without physically doing so unless there was an emergency.

"Fine," Jin agreed reluctantly. "But we'll be watching your every move, so don't worry."


"Why? Something to hide?" Kook teased. She glared at him. He was not making things better.

Namjoon started to set up the camera, but was quickly intercepted by Hobi, who knew better than to let him touch anything that could be broken. 

She sneezed loudly. Jimin yelled, "stay the fuck away from me, germs!" and balled his hands into fists.

"Oh yeah, just fight the germs. Why didn't I think of that?" Nana commented sassily with her raspy voice.

"Maybe if you were stronger, you would win."

Jungkook, fighting for the younger member's honor, and Jimin began to playfully fight each other, egged on by Taehyung and Nana. The other three were busy setting up the baby monitor (which they had for reasons unknown) and didn't have time to mess around with the others. They were honestly ready to get out of the infested living room and set her in a small quarantine. Jin left the fighters and went to the medicine cabinet, where he fished out a few bottles of antibiotic medication and cough drops. 

He dropped the cough drops near her, saying, "take some more of these." He turned to the rest of the group, who had finished doing...whatever they were doing, and instructed them to take a small dosage of the antibiotic, which would hopefully strengthen their immune systems against the germs radiating from Nana.

"Shots, shots, shots," Jungkook whispered to himself as everybody downed their small cup of syrupy medicine. 

"Ok, I think it's time to leave," Namjoon ushered everyone out as he saw Nana gear up for a big sneeze. He cringed when she let out a sneeze that rivaled Taehyung's. On the other hand, the younger ones couldn't help but laugh.

"I wish death would take me from this hell," Nana cried. 

"You wish you were that cool," Jimin shot at her before running out of the room when she mouthed to him you're next.

The others waved their goodbyes and shut the door behind them, leaving her to sulk alone. Another sneeze echoed throughout the apartment. Namjoon winced; this was going to be a long day.

Fortunately for them, the healthy members were forced to leave her behind and practice for their upcoming performance. Unfortunately for her, that meant she had to fend for herself.

The doorbell rang. She questioned who it could be, making sure to keep her phone ready in case of emergency. Peeking out of the tiny peephole, she heard a ding from her phone. A message popped up on her screen, telling her a doctor was being sent to watch over her and keep her on the path to being herself again.

The woman waiting outside definitely looked like a doctor, so she opened the door. At this point, even if it had been a murderer, she would've felt nothing. She was too sick to care.

"Hello, are you Lee Nageum?"

"That I am, unfortunately. I take it you're the doctor?"

"Yes, my name is Kim Dahyun. I've been sent to make sure you get healthy as fast as possible."

"Perfect; come in. And excuse the mess. It's not been the best day."

The members returned to see Nana and the doctor chatting away as if they had been friends their whole lives, boxes of Chinese takeout on the table in front of them. Nana was laughing, seemingly back to normal. Of course, she was still technically considered contagious, but she had finally shed all of the gross symptoms.

"Ah, your friends are back," the doctor tapped Nana when she saw the seven enter. 

Nana turned to face them, "have you missed me?"

"More than you can imagine! How are you feeling? Are you better? Should I be making soup?" Jin rushed out, crushing her face between his hands.

"We've been monitoring you all day, Na, and you're probably the most boring person ever," Jungkook commented.

"If you were closer, I would slap you."

"I'll do it!" Jimin volunteered, making a big show of smacking his hand against the back of the younger's head.

Yoongi and Hoseok, who had been discussing the song they were producing together, approached the doctor, introducing themselves and getting the rundown on Nana's condition. After being assured she was practically good to go with a little more rest, they were relieved. 

She left after saying goodbye to her patient, promising they would meet up again sometime soon under more favorable circumstances.

"So, you've had a fun day, haven't you?" Namjoon teased. 

"I will use my germs as a weapon."


you have no idea how excited i am for the comeback!!! have you guys seen the track list for mots yet??

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