The slayer on Remnant. chapter 1.

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Ozpin:"an artificial intelligence. Very impressive. I will see to it that you can access the remnant wide web. As for "mister chainsaw" what is your name?

Ruby:"He doesn't have a name nor does he even speak."

Ozpin:"The silent type huh? Okay then. Welcome to beacon. However it is getting late. You all should get some rest. But I don't think we have a free room for our new student."

Yang:"It's okay. He can stay with us."

Ozpin:"And you three agree with this proposal?"


Ozpin:"well alright then that settles that. You should get acquainted with your new roommates. Goodbye."

Ozpin walked off.
The sun was slowly lowering and doomguy followed his roommates to his new chambers.

Ruby:"so this is our room. Don't mind the clutter here and there."

Doomguy was staring at a completely trashed up room with litter and clothes everywhere.

He walked over to the space between the bunkbeds and lied down.

He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The other 4 got in their beds and did the same.

Alius proelium. Alius victoria.

Doomguy couldnt get more than an hour of sleep so he went to wander around the academy.

He was walking around the dorms area then proceeded to the main courtyard. After wandering around for a bit he walked to the cafeteria. Seeing nothing interesting he walked back to the courtyard and sat on the edge of the academy. He was staring at the giant new world that lay before him.

New people, new monsters, new trophies.

He sat there for about an hour. Thinking of this new experience. Social contact with non evil/corrupt entities. This will make a for a fun adventure.

He walked back to his dorm and went back to sleep on the ground.

When he woke up everyone was gone. He walked out of the room and saw a lot of students walk towards the cafeteria.

When he entered the cafeteria he wandered around for a bit.

Ruby:"Hey! Over here!" She yelled while waving.

Doomguy noticed her and walked towards her table. Team RWBY was sitting with Team JNPR.

Weiss:"I don't believe we've introduced you yet. So uh. Soldierboy this is Jean arc. Pyrrha. Rem. And Nora."

Doomguy gave a small nod.

Pyrrha:" always a pleasure to meet a new huntsman. What's your semblance?:

Doomguy nonchalantly lifts his shoulder's.

Jean arc:" Wait. So you don't know your semblance? How? I mean like. Everybody has one."

He lifts up his finger to shush Jean.

He is looking at an average tall guy that's holding a girl by her ears.

Doomguy cracks his fists and gets up. He walked over to carvin and puts his hands on his arm.

VEGA:"I would advise you to let go of the female."

Cardin:"what are you gonna do about it then? Huh?"

Doomguy grabs Cardins wrist and starts squeezing. Cardin drops to his knees while screaming in pain while the entire cafeteria can hear every bone in Cardins hand crack and break. Doomguy delivers a single right hook to Cardins jaw, knocking him out.

The slayer on Remnant.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon