Amajiki Tamaki

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The Letter.

Requested by: Mireyavalentin123





Amajiki just found a letter from his locker in the shoelocker room. He didn't bother to open it as he was curious to know who the sender is until he snapped out of his thoughts when someone jumped on him.

"Good morning!" a lively voice shouts in his ear making him cringed because of the pain.

He glares at you for being annoying and went back on a staring contest with the letter.

"What you got there?" you asked eyeing the object in his hand.

He waved the letter infront of you to answer your question causing you to roll your eyes at the obvious.

"Is it a love letter? or just a letter?" you asked specifically.

"I'm not sure," he said.

"Open it!" you urged.

"Not until I figure out who the sender is," he said.

"Doesn't matter, it's a letter anyway," you said as you reach for the letter but fail when he raises it up from your reach.

You huffed in defeat.

"Aren't you curious to know too?" he asked.

"Why would I want to know who when it's their choice to keep themself a secret"

She's got a point.

The bell rings making all the third years to leave their shoelockers to go to their respective classrooms. You sighed as boredom written all over your face preparing yourself to suffer from hell.

"I'll see you at lunch break," you patted him on the shoulder and left.

Amajiki looks at the letter one more time before letting out a sigh and putting it in his pocket.


You drink your orange juice that you got from the vending machine while waiting for your bestfriend to come. The cafeteria was as loud as ever and it didn't bother you as much as when you were a first year. You used to hate crowded place but after being friends with Amajiki, it changed your mind because you wanted to help him overcome his shyness.

You spotted him entering the cafeteria along with his friend, Tougata. You waved your hand up to get his attention which he got embarrassed and you grin because of the blush on his face.

Tougata spotted you and smile his usual wide smile dragging your poor bestfriend with him.

"Took you long enough," you beamed.

"Long time no see [Y/N]!" Togata greeted you.

"I know right, how many weeks has it been?!" you exclaimed.

As both of you were talking and joking, Amijiki takes out the letter from his pocket and- again- starts to think about the sender. He looks around the cafeteria hoping to spot someone suspicious and someone who is relating to the letter but all the students around them were busy themselves with their friends and food.

Your eyes landed to Amijiki while you were in the middle of listening to Togata. You spotted the letter that he got from this morning and raised a brow.

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