Chapter 3: We Have A Future

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, Cal."

He stood up and kissed my cheek. "Oh, and by the way, I want a family, too."

And he left me there in shock.


I went outside to see Percy, Jason, Frank, Travis, Will, Chris, and Leo playing American football. With the kids.

Leah and Zoelle were climbing onto Percy as he created a wave for them to stand on. Marietta and Griffin were trying to get on Percy's wave, while Leah and Zoelle were teasing them.

Jason was holding onto Lara Jean and flying, while Luke held onto his shoe. 

Frank was giving Landon a horse-back ride.

Travis was giving Meggie a piggy back ride, and Matt tried to climb onto him as well for a super-speed ride.

Corey was trying to light himself on fire with Leo to scare Blake, who was currently trying to pass the ball to Bianca, but was being blocked by Chris.

And Bianca was sitting atop Will's shoulders.

As you can see, we don't play football normally at Camp Half-Blood.

I saw the girls and Nico sitting in the amphitheater, and so I went and sat with them.

"Hey guys," I smiled and sat down next to Katie.


"Do you see the guys playing football with the kids?" I laughed.

Hazel nodded. "I guess Jason and Percy are good with kids, huh Annabeth and Piper?"

The two girls blushed.

"So, when are you going to tell your kids that their your kids?" Nico asked, "wow, never thought I'd say that."

"We're not going to," Piper answered.


"We're not going to. Not until we know why their here and why they can't remember anything," Annabeth continued.

Piper looked uncomfortable.

"Okay, I should probably tell you guys," Piper muttered.

"Tell us what?" I asked.

"Lara Jean said she wouldn't remember her parents, even without the memory loss. She says that she didn't know why. And if I'm her mother..."

"You weren't there for her?" Clarisse asked.

"No. Well, yeah. But I think that...I think me and Jason die before we got to raise her."


"I' sorry Piper," Hazel comforted.

"It''s okay. It may not be the case," she answered.

"So, I guess that's another hint," Annabeth continued, trying to get off topic, "Lara Jean can't remember her parents. Do you think that goes for all of them?"

"Possibly. But here's my question. What is Hera's Blessed Legacies Society?" Clarisse asked.

"No idea. But what I do think we should do is get Hypnos cabin or Hypnos himself to help us. Send us a dream of the future? That's my only plan. What else can we do?" Katie explained.

"Rachel?" Piper suggested.

"Good idea. We can talk to my mother if we need to, as well," Annabeth decided.

"Alright. So we have a plan. But can we get personal for a second?" Nico asked.

"Of course."

"Am I the only person who doesn't know how they feel about having a kid?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if it wasn't already blatantly obvious, I'm not interested in girls. And due to human anatomy, babies don' like that. So thinking that I had a kid, could possibly mean I didn't have a kid with Will? Unless we got a carrier. But...still."

"I know what you mean. I don't even have  a boyfriend. And the fact that I could have a kid in that group is scary," Katie said.

"Oh really? I still have my bets on you and Stoll," Clarisse smirked.

We laughed as Katie blushed.

And that's when the arrow came flying past Annabeth's head.



Oh and also, I love the idea of Nico in girl talk, so that's what happened there.

Okay byeeeee

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