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" Even cowards can endure hardship; only the brave can endure suspense... "


(For a better experience)

On both ends, things were quite different.

Within the abandoned building, Nicolas, Ailee and Lyn were on their way back to the pack house to prepare for battle, their outcome was the demolishment of the Blue Moon Pack. Nicolas' main goal was to see Killian dead, Lyn's goal was to see Finnick dead while Ailee wished to see them both crumble to ashes.

Finnick, who had escaped, was cautiously roaming the abandoned building peering around at how empty it appeared. Without the shining light from the rising sun, it would surely be dark because of the nonexistent light fixtures. The walls were grey, floors solid and windows broken all around. He was on the bottom floor, looking for ways out but every door seemed to be lock.

Then the small boy paused from trying to pry a locked door open, thinking what he would do even if he were to escape the building. Where would he go? He had no sense of direction and didn't know where the hell to find Killians pack house. He could escape into the forest and end up mauled by an animal and that simple thought struck him hard and he gradually slipped down onto the floor, holding his knees to him.

With a whimper, he buried his face into his knees silently crying because of his need to be with Killian as well as to see the people he really missed in his life. He wanted to see his parents, he wanted to see Kai who he knew meant well when he ran away, he wanted to see Declan, Vera, Marcus and Chris who acted like a family to him and make him comfortable in his skin. They all grew on him tremendously and it was breaking him to be kept in this cold building.

"Finnick?" There was a small voice.

Finnick raised his head instantly, tear streaks on his face as he looked at Elliot. Elliot was too quick to walk over to him, sitting beside him.

"You escaped," Elliot stated to which Finnick replied with a simple nod of his head.

His throat felt dry, the action of speaking capable of causing discomfort to him. He needed water as well as food but he couldn't dwell on those things when he needed to tell Killian that he was at an abandoned building and not the pack house where a brutal fight was to be launched.

Elliot caught the sight of the metal thing clasped around Finnick's ankle and furrowed his brows in confusion. Finnick wasn't a wolf so he didn't understand why the device was on him. Wordlessly, the younger boy stood and Finnick instantly looked at Elliot as the boy walked around for a bit before finding a heavy rock. Elliot walked back over to Finnick, holding the rock in his hands.

"Look away and hope this doesn't hurt," Elliot advised.

Finnick widened his eyes, believing the younger was planning to knock him out with the rock and shuffling away.

"W-what are y-you doing?" Finnick rasped, cringing at how he sounded.

Elliot rolled his eyes, walking back over to Finnick and holding his leg still.

"I'm helping you," he responded vaguely.

Finnick braced himself for whatever Elliot planned to do and quickly turned his head, biting his lip as Elliot raised the rock. Elliot smashed the rock onto the metal device around Finnick's ankle repeatedly with as much force as he could until the device began to the crack and Elliot tossed the rock away, ripping the device off entirely.

The Alpha And His Possession [BXB]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora