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" Have you ever been so sad that it physically hurts inside and you just don't know what to do so you just...give up "

(For a better experience)

Kai takes off instantly as Finnick is shot in the thigh with strings of curses leaving his mouth, the shot didn't exactly kill him but surely knocked him off conscious due to the properties the injection had. He was afraid, that was obvious but he hadn't run because he didn't want to be next, he ran because he needed to get Killian. Kai knew well that he wouldn't stand a chance against whoever had broken in and it seemed that the man only wanted Finnick telling from how his eyes through the mask he wore, were mainly trained on Finnick.

Not caring how loud he was being, Kai ran up the stairs that seemed to swirl around and when he got onto another floor, with exhaustion he'd find another flight of stairs and begin to run up them. He would've taken the elevator had it been closer but the first thing Kai thought of was booking it up the stairs.

As he's about to start climbing up the stairs to the third floor, he spots Killian rushing down the stairs with frantic steps. Killian meets Kai's worried eyes and he's immediately rushing to Kai, grasping the smaller boys shoulders in his tight grip. Kai would've whined about the pain his grip caused but at the moment he couldn't give a damn what kind of pain he was in knowing his best friend was practically kidnapped right before his eyes.

"Where's Finnick?" Killian shook Kai.

Killian was deep in his slumber moments ago, enjoying the comforts of being cuddled up with his mate. He wouldn't admit it to anyone but he could cuddle with his pup all day and be completely content, that's how much he loved being with Finnick who made him feel like his world was complete. When Finnick slipped out of bed to go grab food, Killian noticed it at first sensing how the warmth left him but he was tired and figured nothing of the sorts would go down.

Oh, how wrong he was when Kade jolted him awake with his frantic ragging within himself. Killian knew something was wrong especially when there was a pain that shot in his thigh. It burned and made him feel lightheaded but the pain was easy to overcome as the injection wasn't meant to kill but to subdue. There was more emotional pain for Killian, the fear dripping from Finnick very prominent and sending Killian haywire.

"I...I, he was," Kai didn't know how to say it, the look of such pure worry across Killian's face was too much for Kai so he remained gapping, opening his mouth to speak with no words escaping.

"Kai!" Killian roared aloud, the sound easily waking up his pack members on all floors.

It was only two minutes later that Declan, Vera, Marcus and Chris were all rushing down the steps and to where Kai and Killian were. Seeing the position they were in, Declan scowls gripping the back of Kai's shirt and ripping his mate from his angry alpha.

Truth be told, they all felt something had gone amiss, the feeling within their bodies notifying them that something was going on in a bad way. The simple look on their alphas faces told them everything. Something happened to Finnick.

"What happened? Where's Finnick?" Vera broke the painful silence.

"Don't you think I've been trying to get that out of Kai," Killian bit angrily, his tone making Kai flinch.

Declan squeezed Kai's hand in comfort. He was irritated that his alpha was yelling at his mate and was close to snapping but he knew something was wrong so he put his anger aside and instead went a different approach. He turned to Kai, taking his face into his hands gently and lifting his head up to look at him in his eyes. Kai visibly relaxed, Declan's touch soothing him in all the right ways.

The Alpha And His Possession [BXB]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin