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" And I'm scared. I'm scared for my life... "


His hair was blonde, and styled in a messy way on top of his head with random strands of brown mixed within the blonde. Gentle freckles littered his face here and there and his nose was sculptured, as if carved by a god. Lips thin and pink, his mouth was pulled into a smile. His eyes were hazel with mostly green in them and they looked at me with not angry or malicious intent as I had fearfully assumed but instead his eyes were gentle as he looked at me. I was confused but didn't dwell on it as I realized who this guy was.

This was Nicolas Skies.

The guy who was friends with Kai once upon a time. One of the suspects for the photo catastrophe and the person who took me to Kai when I had found out Declan and Killian were wolves and needed someone to take me home.

I was heavily confused as to why he was doing this, as to why Ailee and Lyn were doing this. I was still holding onto that strand of rope that this was a cruel joke and they just had a wicked sense of humor. I was losing hope when I saw the sinister expression Ailee wore as she glared hatefully towards me while Lyn looked at me as if I were dirt beneath her feet. I shrunk under their gaze, my heart squeezing inside.

I didn't want to cry but it was so hard to not cry when it felt like there was no hope for me.

"Finnick—" he paused as he reached out to touch my face but I flinched and his gaze turned hard.

I wasn't able to prepare as a rough slap was delivered to my face. My face instantly went the direction of the slap, my cheeks throbbing in pain and most likely turning a bright red hue. My bottom lip quivered, a whimper building up but I strained to keep it down as a traitor tear slipped down my face.

"I suggest you abide by our rules in order to prolong your death," He seethed and I swallowed.

Death? Death. They were planning to kill me, to end my life and strip me away from a future. My heart was doing erratic movements as my breath caught in my throat and I began to panic. There was still pain from the slap but I began struggling against the ropes that confined me to the chair, my head going in multiple directions.

I couldn't die, I just couldn't. My parents would be devastated and Killian, A sob broke past my lips weakly, I don't want to leave Killian. If I die he'll be heartbroken to death and I couldn't bare for that to happened. I was sucking in air, trying to get it to my lungs but it felt like it wasn't working, like there wasn't enough air for me to intake. My throat constricted, my chest heavily rising and falling.

I was seeing dots, my eyes dropping and I felt like I was minutes from passing out. I tried my hardest to recite the breathing exercises that I've been growing accustomed to but it was like I forgot it altogether.

'Finnick!' I heard Killian shout within the mind link and my eyes shot open immediately, gasping as air seemed to fill my lungs.

I began tearing up as I heard how desperate he sounded and it took everything in me not to break down.

"We'll leave you to starve for tonight and maybe come back tomorrow to see if you're still alive," Lyn said nonchalantly, examining her gold nails.

"Hopefully you won't be," snickered Ailee.

"Try anything and Killian and his whole pack will die a day early," Nicolas warned, his expression stern.

I sniffled hearing his words and worry overcame me immensely. They had no more words to say, just brief looks towards me before they turned on there heels and left out of a door that slowly closed with a locking sound. Now alone in the darkness, tears easily poured down my face but not before I desperately realized that the mind link was very much still there and I felt lucky we had completed the mating bond.

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