Horrified, I look between her and the guy cowering in fear under me. He looks practically harmless. 

"I- I'm so sorry," I whisper quietly. I quickly stand up on my feet and back up into the aisle behind me. I can't believe I just did that. This poor innocent guy. I- I beat him up for no reason. 

I'm a monster. 

I look towards Sapphire who's helping the terrified guy up. "I'm sorry," I say meekly before running out of the store and lock myself in the car.


Sapphire stands outside the car, filling the gas tank. She handed me a first aid kit she just bought to patch up the guys face. He left about 5 minutes ago. I've just been sitting here quietly, staring at my split knuckles. I hit him pretty hard... Hard enough to injure myself.

Sapphire lifts herself into the truck and looks over to me. She doesn't say anything and neither do I. I try not to look at her. I already know her face is full of disappointment. She'll probably turn us around and head home. 

Surprisingly I feel her soft hands take one of mine and bring in close to her. I look down but turn my head towards her to see what she's doing. Her emotions are nowhere to be found, but she grabs the first aid kit that I neglected and starts to clean up my cuts. 

"Sapphire?" I asked hesitantly as she finishes wrapping one hand. She sticks her hand out, palm up. I place my right hand in hers and she gently starts to clean this one. She hums for me to continue.

"I'm sorry," I say hoarsely. I can feel tears welling behind my eyes and one slip out. "I'm so sorry." I bite my lip to hold back any sobs from escaping.

She lifts my hand to her lips carefully and kisses my palm before wrapping it. "I know you are Ruby." 

The car ride is quiet. I don't really know where we are going. It's been an hour and the sun has finally set. Its a light dark blue sky over us now. Sapphire sings quietly to herself to a song in a different language. It sounds French maybe, but either way, it's beautiful. If I wasn't so mad at myself I would probably try singing along too. We haven't talked about what happened back there but I sure have been thinking about it.

The truck pulls into a motel and parks in front of a set of stairs.

"Here we are," Sapphire states. I look at the clock to see it's around 8. "What city are we in?"

"Monterey," she replies. I just nod and grab the bag of snacks we never opened. She leaves to the office to check out a room as I wait in the car. Is she gonna want separate rooms after what happened? 

Sapphire walks out and looks at me through the window, gesturing for me to come out. I leave with the food and follow her up two flights of stairs.  We reach room 309 and she unlocks it with an old looking key. I turn around and look off in the distance. We're pretty close to the ocean. It looks so much different than the ocean view back home. "Sapphy look!"

"Hmm?" she turns around and looks out to the ocean with me. "It's so much clearer here than at home. Prettier too," she says as she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. I smile to myself before I remember.

"Sapphire?" She sighs quietly before nuzzling her face between my shoulder and neck. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She askes me. I nod and she lets go to head inside the one-bed room. I follow. 

She sits in the middle of the bed after briefly checking it for bed bugs. I sit on the edge, holding one leg to my chest. We're quiet for a moment before I decide to speak first. "Are you mad at me?"

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