twenty one

502 19 1

Kaz watches the streets intensely. It had been nearly a week since the attempt on Jesper's life and Van Eck was still in hiding.

He is sitting on a rooftop and watching people go by. He watches as con artist pick their next marks, as thieves pick their next targets, and as the easily fooled fall for false promises that are too good to be true.

Inej sits a few feet to his left and keeps her eyes on the sea. She watches the gentle waves in the sixth harbor and remembers the calming sensation of a boat being rocked.

Kaz is almost tempted to go down to the ground and pickpocket some of the tourists. They are so easy. All they care about is the sights. They are so quick to believe a made-up story about the King of Ravka bathing in one of the hotels that they don't even notice when you remove their watches, jewelry, and wallets.

Inej slowly looks over and sees a small smile playing at Kaz's lips as he looks down at the people. "Scheming?" She asks softly.

"Always." Kaz answers and looks over at her with a wicked grin. She seems so relaxed. If he didn't know her any better, he would believe the guise of comfort that she wore.

"Thinking about robbing some poor tourist blind?" Inej presses.

"It would be easy." Kaz shrugs and watches Inej shake her head.

He returns his sight to the ground. A hooded figure weaves its way through the crowd. "Inej, let's tail that one. In the grey cloak." Kaz says and gets up.

"Think that it could be Van Eck?" Inej replies and stands up as well.

"It could be." Kaz responds "Only someone who doesn't want to be found would dress like that.

Kaz limps towards a ladder while Inej follows the hooded figure on the rooftops.

Kaz reaches the street and walks quickly in the direction the figure is going until he catches up. The figure doesn't seem to notice him or Inej as he presses on.

Kaz stays a few paces away and forces himself to keep going through the crowd. He feels dizzy as he is brushed by all of the people. His head reels and nausea sweeps through him.

'Ignore it.' He thinks and sees a break in the crowd. He makes a beeline for it. He can feel the water rising in his throat and he reaches the clearing just in time. He looks around himself and sees the hooded figure. He hasn't managed to go too far.

Kaz limps forward and follows his target into a bar. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Inej descend to the streets.

He enters the pub. It smells like cheap alcohol and smoke. He sees various criminals and crooks. Most of them are from Fjerda. The word on street is that another gang is starting to form. So far it hasn't caused any problems for the Dregs, so Kaz hasn't worried himself too much.

Now he starts to notice the tattoos on the Fjerdan's. They have wolves with bared teeth on their arms. It's the symbol for the rising gang. They call themselves Jägare. It means Hunter in Fjerdan.

They mostly occupy themselves with smuggling. Kaz keeps his head up and keeps walking after his prey. The Fjerdan's watch Kaz, but don't provoke him.

Kaz sees the hood slip into the bathroom and follows him in.

He comes face to face with Jan Van Eck. "Hello, Mister Brekker." He says with a pistol pointed at Kaz.

"Van Eck." Kaz rasps "Just the man I was looking for."

"I bet." Van Eck hums. "I'm sorry to cut this conversation short but I have an appointment that I must attend."

Kaz sees Van Ecks trigger finger twitch and swings his cane at the gun. The bullet erupts from the barrel and lands harmlessly in the wall. The gun itself slides across the stone floor.

Kaz throws his shoulder into Van Eck so that he is against the wall and uses his cane to pin him. "Valiant effort." He rasps as Inej creeps silently into the room.

"Going to kill me now?" Van Eck asks and looks between Kaz and Inej with a wild look in his eye. He looks like a mouse that had just been caught by a cat. Now all he had to do is wait for the cat to close his jaws.

"No. Wylan will decide what to do with you," Kaz says but he wants to press his cane into Van Eck's neck until he can't breathe.

Kaz looks over at Inej, who nods. He pushes Van Eck forward and Inej pulls out a knife. She presses it against the base of Van Ecks back. "Try anything and I'll sever your spine." She hisses as Kaz opens the door for them.

They walk through the pub but reach a blockade at the door. Three Jägare's are stationed at the exit and the others start to circle them.

Kaz grips his cane. He knows that he can't fight them off so now he needs to rely on his wit.

"Leave the merchant." A large Fjerdan says with a heavy accent.

"I'm afraid that I can't do that," Kaz says calmly.

"Then I'm afraid we will have to take him." The Fjerdan responds.

"That may not be a good idea. You wouldn't want the Dregs on your ass, would you?" Kaz asks.

The tall man considers it.

"I've heard of you. You're a Jägare. You see the Dregs could easily burn you to the ground. The hunters will become the hunted. You really do not want that to happen because we don't kill quickly. We make it slow. We make the ones who wronged us wish for death." Kaz rasps and his eyes glint dangerously.

A few men back up and a path clear. Van Eck stumbles forward. "Thank you pups." Kaz smiles. "See you around the Barrel."

"You better hope not." The large Fjerdan snarls but Kaz is already put on the door.

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