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"You have blood on your collar," Nina says as Kaz walks back into Van Eck's manor.

"Your observation skills astound me," Kaz replies calmly before walking through the halls.

Jesper is ambling down the halls with the grin of someone about to get their next fix on his face. "Off to the Blue Paradise." He calls as he heads for the door.

"Don't lose all of your money you twit," Nina replies from another room.

Kaz shakes his head and heads to his room. He needs to sit down and read the letter. The streets were too dark to so he had to wait.

He limps up the stairs and enters his room. He takes a seat in an armchair and opens the parchment.

'The target will arrive at the Blue Paradise around 11. Beware his firearms. He doesn't miss. You're only chance is to do this quickly and quietly. You'll be paid after you complete the job.

-your employer'

Kaz's eyes widen and he looks at the time. It's nearly eleven. Jesper could be in danger. Kaz pulls himself out of the chair and hurries down the stair with a sharp pain in his leg.

He sprints out the door and loads his small snub nose revolver. His leg feels like it may give out each time it hits the ground but he keeps going.

The barrel is coming into view as he pushes forward, adrenaline helping keep the pain at bay.

Kaz speeds down the streets and looks for the fairly large casino with an aquatic theme. The theme isn't oceanic but more the colors of water. The walls get darker as you go deeper into the casino. You start at a pale blue and when you reach the center it's almost black.

Jesper once said that the colors calm him when he is on a losing streak, which is quite often, and that is why he likes this one so much.

Kaz finds the Caribbean blue door and pushes his way through.

His leg feels like a piece of glass and with every step, more pressure is put on it.

Kaz looks around the crowded casino and tries to find Jesper's tall figure. He isn't in the entry hall. Kaz looks down at his pocket watch. It's eleven.

'Bullocks.' Kaz curses and goes to the room where people normally play card games. Blackjack, poker, and rummy are all in session. Kaz looks around the room and weaved through the crowd. Jesper isn't here either.

He heads through the next door and into an admiral blue room. This is where the machines are. There is only one other room where Jesper would be.

Kaz crosses the threshold into a navy blue room. This is where people would take place in boxing and other fights to win money, while others bet on them. Currently, two razor gulls are going at it.

One has blood streaming out of his nose and the other has a large bruise forming on the side of his bare head.

Kaz searches the room and his eyes land on his friend. He starts to make his way towards him but sees that someone else is too. It's a dimelion and he is carrying a pistol with a silencer on it.

Kaz pushes through the crowd as the other person is already a few paces in front of him. Kaz pulls out his own pistol and pulls the hammer back.  

The dimelion reaches Jesper, who is too invested in the fight to even notice, and puts the gun to the base of his skull.

Kaz takes a deep breath. He can't get there in time. He puts up his own gun and aims. Then pulls the trigger.

The gun fires and the room falls into chaos. People scream and run for the doors while others reach for their weapons.

Kaz looks at his target, who has fallen onto the floor and has a small hole in his head.

Jesper's eyes lock with Kaz's and they silently agree to get out of here before the situation escalates. The people here are from all different gangs and clubs so it doesn't take a whole lot for a fight to break out.

Kaz and Jesper start to inch their way to the doors and avoid any unwanted attention. Suddenly another gun goes off and a Razorgull drops. Jesper and Kaz turn on their heels and sprint to the door.

The pair tumbles out of the chaotic room and into a hall filled with panicking people. They are all fleeing like rats from a sinking ship. There is no order. Just fear driving them forward.

Kaz and Jesper pushed their way forward and integrate into the crowd. They follow the wave of bodies out the door and spill onto the streets of Ketterdam.

Jesper makes his way to Kaz, who has found an empty alley. His hands are shoved into the pockets of his long black coat. That's all he can do to hide the shaking. All of those people brushing against him had almost sent him over the edge.

"What the hell was that?" Jesper hisses.

"That was Van Eck and Haskell's plan." Kaz answers and manages to keep his voice cool.

"Shit," Jesper whispers and lets his hand rest on his revolver. It comforts him like a doll would a child.

"The coast is clear. Let's move." Kaz rasps and looks out of the ally. Before Jesper can say anything, Kaz begins to walk. He really needs to be alone so he can collect himself fully.

Jesper stays quiet and walks a few paces behind Kaz. For a moment in the crowd, he thought that he saw the notorious Dirtyhands flinch at someone's touch.

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