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*beware of the graphic nature of this chapter*

He is in a damp room. The smell of mold and dirt is thick in the air. It appears to be a root cellar of sorts. Kaz looks down and sees his bare hands bound to a chair. He shudders at the idea of someone peeling away his armor.

He looks down and can see that someone has removed his jacket. His shoes are gone. His captures had probably found the hidden blades tucked into the heels of his shoes. He can't feel anything in his pockets. An aching feeling starts to develop in his stomach. It's fear.

He feels bare. They had taken everything that he would normally use to help him out of these impossible situations. Now all he can do is wait it out and try to escape when the opportunity presents itself, but who knows what he'll have to withstand until he had a chance to escape.

"This is truly a work of art. Beautifully crafted." Pekka says from behind him. "I can see why you always have this particular cane on you at all times and the functionality behind it is superb." The cane slices through the air and catches Kaz on the shoulder. A groan worms its way out from between his teeth.

"You see Brekker, you've screwed with the wrong people and now it's time for you to get everything that's coming to you." Pekka hums and circles to the front of the chair. He leans forward and puts his hands over Kaz's to support himself as he goes face to face with Kaz. Kaz holds down the vomit rising in his throat and tries to hold his face still when Pekka's skin touches his. He slams the front of his head into Pekka's nose, caused Pekka to stumble backward.

"You little shit." Pekka hisses and advanced, blood streaming down his face. He wraps his hand around Kaz's neck. It takes everything in Kaz to not cry out or show any sign of his disgust and fear. The fingers press harder into his windpipe. "Listen carefully, Brekker. I'm going to take your little wraith and skin her alive in front of you. Then we will keep you alive but just. We'll make your life a living hell and by the time we are done with you, you'll be begging for the sweet relief of death." Pekka promises.

Kaz's vision is starting to blur and his neck burns. He doesn't know if it's because of the skin on skin contact or because he is being choked. The fingers released and Kaz gasps for breath. He coughs uncontrollably as Pekka watches, delighted.

"You can't take down the king." Pekka hums as he walks out of the room. Kaz looks down at his trembling hands. He is relieved that Pekka didn't figure out his secret, but how long does he have before the truth is out?

*Inej's POV*

Inej runs towards Van Eck's manor. She had just arrived in Ketterdam. She left Aris to handle the ship so she could hurry to Jesper's aid. She bursts through the front doors and sees Jesper pacing nervously. "Inej!" He exclaims and relief floods his eyes.

"Where is Kaz?" Inej asks, slightly out of breath.

"Well, you see... We may have lost him?" Jesper says as Wylan turns into the room.

"How did you lose him?!" Inej says and feels nerves rise inside of her.

"He kind of just... left." Wylan tries to explain. "He has only been gone for five days, so odds are that he isn't in trouble. Right?"

"It's Kaz. He is always in trouble." Inej whispers mournfully. "Saints help us."

*End of POV*

"So tell me Mr. Brekker, why do you seem to have a vendetta against me. I understand the whole rivals thing, but with you, it feels more personal." Pekka asks and takes a seat across from Kaz.

Kaz doesn't answer. He doesn't even meet Pekka's eye. The corners of Pekka's lips tilt upwards slightly. "I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way." he hums and grips Kaz's cane.

*Wylan's POV*

"How many safe houses does this guy have?" Wylan asks as they enter their tenth safe house. This one is located in a sewer. They had started the search for Kaz a few hours prior.

"I want to say almost twenty but he probably has more scattered throughout the city. Kaz isn't exactly the trusting type." Inej answers as she turns on a light. "He has been here." She whispers and sees the papers all over the room.

She heads for the desk and starts to look through the documents. "Look around. See what you find." She says.

Wylan and Jesper start to search the small room. Wylan picked up a map of Ketterdam and sees some writing in the bottom corner. It says 'Pekka and Van Ecks base' and circles a building. "Inej!" He calls out and Inej takes the map from him.

"Oh no. He went there alone. That fool." She says and looks at the two boys in front of her. "Stock up. We're going to get Kaz." She states.

*End of POV*

Kaz wants to fight. He wants to scream. He wants to escape but can't. A rope is holding down his limps and a hand is holding his mouth shut. His stomach rolls and he can feel the water pouring into his throat. 'It's only a memory.' He tries to remind himself.

A muffled yelp escapes him as Pekka smashes his cane into Kaz's ribcage. The hand tightens and bile rises in his throat. This time he can't stop it. The hand wipes away and he vomits all over the floor in front of him.

"Had enough, Brekker? Ready to talk?" Pekka hums.

"You're going to pay for this." Kaz rasps and glares up at him.

"Maybe, but I doubt it," Pekka replies and looks down at him like he would a mouse that crawled over his shoe.

Kaz spits at him. Blood is mixed in with his saliva. It hits Pekka right below the eye. A look of rage crosses Pekka's face. "Lift the back of his shirt and hold him down." He commands the man who had been helping hold Kaz in place.

Kaz winces and sees a flash of pale, lifeless flesh as fingers scrap up his back. Then a small scream comes out of his mouth as the carving starts. Throughout it a hands press against his skin, holding him in place. The hands hurt more than the knife.

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