The Unexplained Haze Clears

Start from the beginning


I cock the gun back, loading the bullet, take a breath in, and release it when I turn the corner completely. Aiming at the 2 men closets to me, I shot them in the head. Shooting a guy in the knee, then slitting his throat. I stab the last 2 by the stairs, while sprinting past into the dining room. I jog in and spin on my knees slicing 2 of the men's torsos, I unsheathe one of the men's swords and slice the last man's torso in an 'X' formation. I backtrack to the stair and bound up them, to the last 5 men. By the time I reach the landing they've surrounded me, "okay boys, I see how it is," I say while they circle me, "you wanna fight a girl." They all look at each other, as if unsure what to do, "Well. Don't just stand there like sissies, you wanna tango. Let's fucking tango." That taunt triggered one of the men, cause he stepped forward yelling causing me to spin immediately stab him in the back. The body drops dead, causing the other 4 to look at it and look at me. 2 men charge towards me shooting, dodging the bullets I run forward and at the last minute I gliding on my knees, slicing the men's legs and slicing them in the gut. They drop quickly bleeding to death. 3 down, 2 to go. They both circle me, I twirl the swords while watching them. Carefully. The shorter of the 2 has a bad knee, the other has a weak right arm and favours using his left. The one with the weak arm steps forward to disarm me, but I'm quicker and jab the butt of the sword into his right shoulder, causing him to falter. His buddy gets a bit bothered by this and steps forward to, only making me roundhouse kick his bad knee. Eager beaver behind me, grabs my ankle from the floor, pulling me down. He tries to pin me, but he only has my legs pinned so I reached behind me for the gun and shoot him through my shirt. He collapses dead on top of me, his buddy comes closer to us. Big mistake, I shoot dumbass through his buddies body. I get up from the floor, check the magazine. 2 bullets left. I notice one of the men has a tanto knife, I unclip it from his belt and examine it, '中村一族' "Fucking bastards." The engraving is the Nakamura clan's. And here i thought that this was a solo mission, but nope it's the whole fucking clan. My fucking cousin's family. I knew that family was damn bad news. I hide the knife in my bra, and load the handgun. Staying alert I proceed towards the family office, since someone was guarding it. Keeping the gun aimed in front of me, I open the door slowly so it's ajar. I peep in to see my dad, mom, little sister and lord behold the bitch herself, Chyna. My little sister is shaking in my mom's embrace, my dad staring at Chyna with a steel gaze. But if you know my father as well as I do, you'd tell that the mynute crease next to his mouth tells me that he's stressing on the inside for my mother and sister's safety. I gaze further in the room and see 2 more men in the room with their hands on their guns. I continue gazing and spot a steel beam in the room, perfect. I aim the gun at the beam, and shoot. It rebounds off the beam hitting the 2 men. That's when I make an appearance, "surprised to see me Chyna?" She turns around with a shocked and impressed expression, "Wow-wee. Little miss Arden wasn't killed by my very big gift," she paused for a moment and circled me almost judging me seeing my reflexes and reactive response to her comment. 'No emotion.' I remain cold towards her, I just glance at her with a raise eyebrow as if to saw 'really? Is that the best you've got?' She chuckles darkly at my expression. Tutting she walks behind my family and points a gun at them, "now now cousin dear, that's no way to treat family is it? Now because of that i'm going to have skip all the monologue, and get right to business." I chuckle ironically at her comment and tell Aria to block her ears, "that's rich Chyna, coming from you Miss hypocrite, considering you've massacred the staff and guards that work here, oh yeah and you attempted to BLOW ME THE FUCK UP AFTER A LONG FUCKING DAY AT THE SHIT HOLE CALLED SCHOOL! Oh wait I'm missing something, what was it again? Oh yeah I'm missing the fact that you're a fucking whore who sleeps with anyone willing or not willing to stick their fucking penis in your loose vagina. Like it's so loose someone can fit their whole arm up to their shoulder up there. Let's not forget that you're so fake that if I were to stab or shoot you, it'd either puncture your implants or pull them out completely." I state in one breath, I turn to Aria to make sure she didn't hear anything and sure enough she has her ears blocked still. What? Just because of the situation I'm in is stressful doesn't mean I'm gonna corrupt my little sister's already corrupted mind. She's seen and heard enough shit to last a lifetime. Anyways. Chyna did not look amused by my comment, but my parents did haha bitch deserved it. She cocks the gun, loading it and continues to point it at my family "choose."

It was that simple one worded, six letter, three syllable word that changed my life. That word was the catalyst for a chain of events, ending in my mother's death. Or so I thought...



Finally delivered with a chapter for this book. I was gonna update it before my exams started (2 weeks ago) but I had such bad writer's block, I just couldn't think of where I wanted the plot to go or how to form the damn chapter. BUT I've delivered and I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Will publish on my imagine book soon, stayed tuned.

A/N: Very brief proofread and edit. Am thinking of writng again. I've just had no motivation to do so. 

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