The Unexplained Haze Clears

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All my life i've grown up in a household of shiny metal and powders strong enough to kill instantly. What I'm saying is that my family consists of murders, assassins, drug-lords, gang-leaders, we're all well respected and known. Watanabe. A prestigious family of organised crimes and criminal activity.

Known for our traditional rituals and organisation, through a mixture of Japanese, Italian and Latin heritage. People knew to not mess with the Watanabe clan, cause they knew damn well that if they did... there'd be no chance of them ever doing so again.

But did that very rule apply to just outsiders? No, it applied to the clan and family as well. If you fuck up, then you're fucked. Simple, not rocket science. Let's just say that the first one to screw up was someone I didn't not expect. It started on a Friday, after school finished. And I know what you're thinking, she went school? Well we all did, just not your government owned public school, nor you're snobby rich kid prestigious private school either. It was a private boarding school, built only for the kids of criminally invested families. Cops knew about it's existence, specifically the local sheriff. And the feds? Well they knew nothing, the cops that were stationed near the school were very VERY close friends of my family's and let's just say they wouldn't dare rat us and other organisations out. Moving on cause I know y'all getting bore with this. Like I was saying, it was Friday and I was finishing the day from school this probably takes place roughly 5 years back from now, I was walking towards my car when I saw a note stuck on my windshield. Curious I glance around my surroundings to spot the culprit, to no such luck I shrugged and picked up the note anyways. I opened it, and what I read was something no person wants to read.


Yours not sincerely, your nightmare - Chyna Fa Li.

It was only after I read the note that I had heard this ticking, eyes widening I yelled "EVERYBODY FUCKING RUN! THERE'S A BOMB!!" I bolt away from my car, but not quick enough cause as soon as it went off, the blast waves shoved me about 10 metres away. Causing me to skid across the tar road. The ringing of the blast still sounding, as I push myself up into a sitting position. Looking around I see the damage the explosion caused, and let's just say there's gonna be one big ass bill coming my family's way. Soon as I gain enough strength to stand, I sprint towards the bike stand which is in front of the school's entrance. Grabbing a random helmet and hijacking Titus' Ducati, I hot wire the ignition and book it out of school grounds. Mentally blocking any emotions.

'Emotions are everyone's weakness, but because you are my daughter. You will show no such things, am I clear?' - マスター渡辺

'Crystal clear マスター渡辺 !' - Arden

(マスター渡辺 - Master Watanabe)

Shaking my head I rid it of those memories, I refuse to remember the bastard that made me the person I am today. Cause I later learnt that it's okay to feel emotion, just don't let it cloud your judgement. I was drawing closer to my home, but I was beginning to notice that I was arriving a little too late as the intruder had massacred the guards. I pull up to the house and unsheathed a guards sword, along with their handgun. I check it's gun clip to see how many bullets there are, "good there's enough, let's do this." I slow my breathing, and creep into the house undetected. I stop at a corner and peep, I see about 5 men standing by the stairs landing, 3 men in the open dining room, 4 on the top of the stairs landing, and 1 outside the main family office. 13. I turn back against the wall and tie my hair into a bun, cause shit's about to get real.

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