Chapter 10- Dates and Fires

Beginne am Anfang

The motion were stopped and I look up to see who my kidnapper is. I couldn't make out the face but I could see their eyes. Their ocean blue eyes looked back at me.

Wellllllll not so ocean. More worried like eyes. Wait why are they worried and why am I involved?

"I'm only going to say this once."

By the voice I could already tell who it was I think.

"Take down that video." he says.

I pull my hand up to remove his hand from my mouth. I then begin to speak.

"Why should I?" I crossed my arms.

"You just have to. Do it for my sake." He says

"I don't have to do anything. And why would I do anything for you Emilio? I thought you didn't like me." I say with a little bit of sass

A moment of silence passes and then laughing was heard in the small janitors closet. I bet people are walking past this room and think,

'What the frick is going on in there. Weirdos.'

I stare at him while he laughs. I'm so confused. What did I say that was so funny?

"What so funny?" This is going to bother me

Emilio straightens up and looks at me. His laughter dies down but I can still sense a small smile on him.

"Well I'm not Emilio. I'm Ivan." he says as he flashes on the lights.

I blink a few times to adjust my eyes. I look up and see Ivan standing there...

Did I really just call him Emilio.

In my defense it was dark and I could only see his eyes.

Well the voice sounded a little different but I thought he was sick or something.

I stared at Ivan in shock. I can't believe I actually did that.

"I am so sorry Ivan. I just thought you were Emilio but in my defense I couldn't really see. I never thought I would mix you guys up like that. I'm sorry if I called you Emilio or offended you because I would be offended if I got called my twin sister who many people hate—"

"Hey slow down. It's fine Dallas." He cuts me off as I look up at him again.

"Your not mad?" I questioned

"No we're twins I get used to it." Ivan shrugged

I feel bad for calling him Emilio. That's also kind of embarrassing too. Yikes.

"Anyways could you please take down that video?" He asks again.

"Why?" If im going to end up taking down this video I want a valid reason

"Emilio doesn't like his face publicly out there like that. He says it downgraded him and make himself look like a fool or something." Ivan rushes out.

I narrow my eyes at him. He's lying and I know it.

"What's in it for me?" I mean mine as well get something out of it right?

"Uhmm We won't bother you at your house for a week." He says quickly

That's sounds like a good deal.

"Deal." I put out my hand.

He shakes my hand and heads out the door.

"Bye Ivan!" I yell

"Dallas we're going to the same class." he chuckles

Wow Dallas way to make a fool of yourself again.

I Punched Emilio MartinezWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt