Chapter 14

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Okey people brace yourselves! Grab a seatbelt lets get STARTED!!! Avery at the top btw

Sadexx out!!!



I woke up tried as crap. Mondays are never good.I just have this weird feeling something's wrong. I still don't understand why Sierra left us Friday like that. Who am I kidding I don't understand why she left me like that! I clearly told her I'd be back!Getting up I zombie walked to the bathroom for a shower . After that I brush my teeth and got ready for school. Grabbing a banana I said goodbye to my parents and Garret and headed for my bike. Pulling it up the drive way I was faced with an unusual scene.

Sierra was getting into T.J's car. Confused I squinted to make sure it was T.J. , yup it was he even got out to open the door for her. What was going on with those two ? Before I could tail them and find out they drove off leaving me in the dust. I guess my instincts were right after all. This was nowhere close to good.


10 minutes later

Attaching my bike to the rack at school I couldn't help ,but feel all eyes were on me and the whispers around me . Maybe I'm just paranoid. Hitching up my backpack I walked into school. The hallway buzzed with gossip. What did I miss at T.J.'s party that was this big of a deal.

"Brandon , dude your not gonna like this.", Johnny said grabbing my shoulder and steering me to a group of people huddled around an iphone. Johnny seemed better even with the mega hangover he dealt with this weekend.

"What's going on?", I asked confused.

"Gimme that!", Johnny snapped at a kid holding the phone.

A small "what do you think your doing!", squeaked from the guy ,but when he turned to see who took the phone he instantly fell silent. Then he full on stared at me. Like he wanted to ask a question ,but he couldn't gather the right words.

"Look at this Brandon.", Johnny said pressing play.

All eyes were on me. It was like the hallway fell silent waiting for my reaction. I watched for a second noticing T.J. and a couple of other kids in the video. It must be from the party. Muffled sounds of music played as the person recording the video moved to get a better shot. Then I saw it. My eyes widened in fury as I watched Sierra , my Sierra full blown grinding on T.J. Shock and rage filled my body head to toe. I kept clenching and unclenching my fists and I was seeing red. How could she do this! I thought she left!

"That's not it Brandon there's about three of these. By now everyone's seen it.", Johnny said looking as disgusted as I did. I had a feeling it was only getting worse.

I kept watching as much as I wanted to stomp the phone to pieces when I saw Sierra pull T.J. in for a kiss. Gasps filled the room ,but were quickly replaced with cheers. Even while she kissed him you could see T.J. smirking . That man whore he was probably adoring the attention.

Johnny played another where Sierra was laying down on the bar table with her dress pulled down under her navel. She let basically all the guys there take Jell-O shots off her stomach and breasts. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She let them wrap there filthy hands on her thighs to get better grip. She let them feel her up and even giggled at some of them and cheered them on!! But the worst one was the last video Sierra was only in her bra and panties , in a very visible drunken state, and proposed a toast to the party and T.J. Then she moved to T.J.'s lap ,straddling him and giving him a lap dance In front of everybody.

I Am Sierra Carter (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora